New foal at RSPB Conwy (@rspbconwy)

Seen on Twitter, RSPB Conwy had a new foal born, during Storm. The full content of the tweet is as follows:

RSPB Conwy (@rspbconwy) tweeted at 11:35 am on Thu, Feb 13, 2020:
Following #StormCiara last weekend, we discovered early on Monday morning that despite the destruction left in it's wake, we also had a beautiful new addition to the reserve...

Welcome Ciara(n), our new wild Carneddau mountain pony! Thanks for this great photo, @grasstraximage.

For those not aware, RSPB Conwy has around 12-15 Carneddau ponies that roam the reserve keeping the scrub in check.

The photo: @grasstraximage

  • Lovely pic Mike, thanks for putting it up. Looks a sturdy little thing, just as well with this awful weather continuing.

    Lot to learn

  • gaynorsl said:
    Lovely pic Mike, thanks for putting it up. Looks a sturdy little thing, just as well with this awful weather continuing.

    You're welcome Gaynor.

    The foal is one of the Carneddau Ponies, which are a very hardy breed. They need to be, living on the Carneddau, as you know, is quite exposed and bleak, particularly at this time of year.

    I need to make a visit there, but the weather isn't leaving any opportunities.

    Like a lot of reserves, they're suffering excess water, though water damage seems pretty restricted from what I understand.