Add your "Odds & Sods" here thread ... 2020

Starting with a first for me ... Sparrowhawk in neighbour's garden here in quarry, only ever seen a seemingly lost youngster many years ago!

Grabbed ID vid footage through d/glazed door, then battery died & by time I'd replaced it to go outside for better res a delivery driver stopped next door & frightened the bird off!! grrrrrr

Hope it's a one-off for the sake of my Spadger horde!

2019 thread here ...


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh dear, Linda. Fingers crossed that you and your friends and family avoid catching anything. Perhaps carry a 2-metre stick and fend off anyone else! This might possibly also offend them as well, but this is serious stuff so you are forgiven! Safety first!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks Ann. I think when people have their masks on they think they dont need to abide by the 2 metre rule aswell. The usual reply when your in a queue and you turn round and say 2 metres please move back ..."right right" and its like 2 steps back! Maybe people just stupidly think they are immune!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Yes, Linda, it is sad that some people do not think the rules apply to them. And there are others who just do not think about the possible consequences of their actions and/or who do not care about their responsibilities for the health of others.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I am so lucky to be living in the countryside, but as time passes even here people are getting close to each other and I honestly feel safer staying home at present.

    Lot to learn

  • Same with us up here. The vast majority of folks are fine but as you say, I think that just because they are wearing a mask then the 2m rule goes out the window! It is a very scary and worrying time for us all and it looks as if it is here for a very long time to come. As long as we keep washing and cleaning those hands, keeping our 2m distance, wearing our masks and being sensible, we know we are doing our bit.
    Keep safe all.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Lynn L said:
    being sensible

    Unfortunately, with the Great British public, this is sometimes a very rare commodity

  • Cracking pics PB, good to see you're still getting out with the camera, even if it is the garden...

  • Linda257 said:

    As I said not much to see but was sooooooo good to get out and it was a nice walk.

    There was plenty there to see, and nice pics Linda.

  • Cheers Mike

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    A think they said 22 , 14 from a call centre working for NHS England track and trace!

    And one from a local pub which my daughters friends parents own so they have had to close for a deep clean and it hasnt specified the others. I am honestly terrified to leave the car when am out as social distancing seems to have gone out the window!

    There seems to be a plethora of mini outbreaks, predominantly from businesses. We've a couple around here, that have been contained.

    Scary and frustrating it is, I think there will be many more between now and the end of the year, hopefully, containment will keep it reasonably under control.

    Like you, I'm reluctant to go out, and all the reserves I used to visit, are no-go places for me, because many places social distancing is not an option, face covering or not. Many face coverings I feel are worse than chocolate teapots, the material is too thin to stop anything.