Add your "Odds & Sods" here thread ... 2020

Starting with a first for me ... Sparrowhawk in neighbour's garden here in quarry, only ever seen a seemingly lost youngster many years ago!

Grabbed ID vid footage through d/glazed door, then battery died & by time I'd replaced it to go outside for better res a delivery driver stopped next door & frightened the bird off!! grrrrrr

Hope it's a one-off for the sake of my Spadger horde!

2019 thread here ...


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Hello Sam, welcome to the forum and what fabulous photos. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos and posts from yourself.

  • Hi Sam welcome from up in Caithness at the very top of Scotland. Very glad you have decided to join us, we must have read as an okay bunch! Lovely photos you have posted, look forward to seeing more. Hope you enjoy being on the forum, we are n a okay lot, as Hazel said maybe a bit scatty at times! Blame the Osprey's!

    Hope things are not too long for you to have to wait Hazel, but in the troubled times that we are in, if it takes longer for things to happen and when it is a lot safer, that is what is important. Looks like you will not be short of wildlife anyway.

    Binkies Ann, well that is also a new one me!! Must keep a look out for it happening.

    Keep safe and well all.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Took our allotted walk today in beautiful sunshine;  we are so lucky to currently rent in the middle of the countryside giving us access to numerous bridleways and public footpaths crossing fields and farmland and we don't encounter too many people.      Today we took a new route which brought us not only a pleasant walk in the fresh air but past some rather weird and wonderful animals and luxury manner of transportation !    

    Firstly, we encountered a Giraffe  !!    we had already passed a gorilla, tiger, elephant and other weird and wonderful creatures ………...but this was not a zoo …..  a private home belonging to a famous logistics/haulage company whose name I won't mention but is a household name !   The animals, well most of the exotic ones … are life size models including this one by the front gate   lol      Because I don't want to be seen taking my (allotted walks) with my DSLR camera/zoom lens as if I am flouting the rules and looking more like paparazzi  !!      I am taking record shots with the old iPhone so quality is pretty naff   LOL  

    and some folk have helicopters in their back garden    LOL        

    (photo now removed as it shows someone's house/helipad ! )  

    Real living llamas were interesting to see - same estate !

    and then we walked on past an old Water Tower  - which is for sale if you want to purchase it   !!    

      (seems it has been de-listed from sale on further investigation so either withdrawn or possibly has a buyer )

    the rapeseed oil looks really beautiful as part of the country landscape 

    Chiffchaffs were singing everywhere;   must have passed at least a dozen different Chiffys;   two common buzzards also passed close by overhead.

    Hopeless photo with old phone but this is record shot - if you can spot it   LOL 

    I'll remove some of the first pics once you've seen them as I'm sure the rich like their privacy   LOL  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • It's all on tick Hazy lol, they have a chap come round once a week to collect payments 

  • LOL PB !! I doubt it with this person; a friend of mine has been up in that helicopter - or it might be the 2nd one that's in the hanger that he's been in ha ha


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Interesting, Hazel, Lucky you to have such places to walk to. I've only just now seen these so not sure if you've removed any yet or not. Saw the Giraffe, Mike with distant helicopter, llamas, water tower, rapeseed crop and chiffy--have I missed any?!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Saw the Giraffe, Mike with distant helicopter, llamas, water tower, rapeseed crop and chiffy--have I missed any?!

    No Ann,   I may shortly remove the one with the house/helicopter in same view.     


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unknown said:

    Took our allotted walk today in beautiful sunshine;  we are so lucky to currently rent in the middle of the countryside giving us access to numerous bridleways and public footpaths crossing fields and farmland and we don't encounter too many people.      Today we took a new route which brought us not only a pleasant walk in the fresh air but past some rather weird and wonderful animals and luxury manner of transportation !    

    Firstly, we encountered a Giraffe  !!    we had already passed a gorilla, tiger, elephant and other weird and wonderful creatures ………...but this was not a zoo …..  a private home belonging to a famous logistics/haulage company whose name I won't mention but is a household name !   The animals, well most of the exotic ones … are life size models including this one by the front gate   lol      Because I don't want to be seen taking my (allotted walks) with my DSLR camera/zoom lens as if I am flouting the rules and looking more like paparazzi  !!      I am taking record shots with the old iPhone so quality is pretty naff   LOL  

    A giraffe with a noose around its neck!

    Must have been some rodeo going on there!

    Seriously, cracking photos Hazel, looks like you and Mike are enjoying some good weather.

  • Michael B said:
    A giraffe with a noose around its neck

    You should have seen how tall the gallows were!!!

  • PimperneBloke said:

    Michael B said:
    A giraffe with a noose around its neck

    You should have seen how tall the gallows were!!!

    I shudder to think, after your little shop of horrors.