Happy New Year all
I know you’ve enjoyed sharing your sunrise and sunset photos, and a good many have enjoyed seeing the photos and experiences posted, so here is this year’s thread.
First, thank you to all who have shared their photos for 2019, not just in the UK, but from other countries also, I’m sure you’ll agree, they have all been fabulous.
Last year’s thread is here:
and the initial thread here, which started as
Autumn Sunrises and Sunsets share your photos here
To save Hazy the pressure of missing a sunrise, here is the first of my contributions for 2020.
Can you see the sun?
It is there, honest!
Flickr: Peak Rambler
David said:it was a sunset obviously,no t sunrise..apologise for my mistake
Fabulous photos David, and thanks for sharing them.
Pssst, I'll keep it quiet that you got sunrise and sunset accidentally mixed up.
Unknown said:Thanks for starting the thread Mike and taking the pressure off !! I didn't get any sunrise pics 'cos I was still sleeping at silly o'clock even though it was sunny here when I awoke ! sun didn't last though. Maybe I should concentrate on dusk photos instead lol
You're welcome.
The title does include sunsets, and for me, this time of year the sun is up too late to capture, cos I have to start at silly o'clock in the morning.....
I see no reason why dawn or dusk photos can't be included.
Finally, a proper excuse for a sunrise this morning....
I've posted two photos up, to show how quick the change can be in a matter of a minute!
As I type, we're back to wall to wall stratus cloud, again....
What a glorious and dramatic sunset tonight with flame read sky and pink clouds; too good to miss - although I nearly did as we only just got back from visiting relatives. It was a case of grab a camera, switch lens and dash outside the courtyard towards the polo ground. A bit late for best photos but better than nothing !
Regards, Hazel
Taken at the end of Dec from back of our house, the colour and light changed so quickly over a few minutes.
Unknown said:
Love the colours Hazel
PimperneBloke said:Hmmm, a flurry of absolute stunners! Well caught everyone. Guess I'll have to change job to start late enough to see sunrise on the way to work?
Your time will come soon.
I've exactly the same problem, that is when there isn't wall to wall stratus cloud, which we seem to be enduring here......
Lovely colours Tony, and these sun rises and sun sets can change very quickly, likewise, blink and you can miss the perfect moment, or the colours totally!
One of the advantages of winter is that when I leave early to avoid the rush hour traffic I get to Leighton Moss a little before dawn. Last week when I did it, I was rewarded with one of the best sunrises I've seen for ages. The scene from Morecambe Hide before sunrise.
A few minutes later, still before sunrise (I exposed for saturated colours in the skies but didn't otherwise enhance them)
The sun begins to rise ... and the clouds develop
A few minutes later
Nige Flickr