Blue Tit Babies Possibly Abandoned

These last few weeks we were delighted to spot two blue tits nesting in a box in our garden tree.  Sure enough the cheeps started a couple of weeks ago and we watched Mum and Dad busily in and out of the box all day every day.  A few days ago a cat started hanging round the garden.  We spotted it around the tree and kept scaring it off.  Today I watched carefully after coming home from work and haven’t seen either parents in any of their usual spots or in or out of the box.  The babies are calling and jumping up to the hole, but are getting no help.  It’s heartbreaking.  Now nearly 10pm and no sign of parents, I am really concerned that the cat has had them or scared them off.  Anyone seen anything like this before?  Is there anything I can do to help the babies?

  • Hello Amy, spotty to read about the tits. It is a possibility that the cat has either scared them off or had one of them. There is nothing you can do. It is horrid, hopefully the parents may still be about. It sounds as if they would be fledging soon. Hope all will be well.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.