Beautiful Butterflies 2018

Waiting for H to transfer her Comma over!


 2013 photos & vids here

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  • Superb shots of the Small Copper, Jim, and by WE too. Haven't seen any this year sadly.



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  • I'm also a big fan of the Small Coppers, lovely shots.

    My bird photos HERE

  • They are nice Haze, and small lol.

    Seen lots here Tony, but we do have a lot of Ragwort around.

    Thank you Paul.


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  • Lovely shots Jim, Small Coppers are just awesome little butterflies. I love watching them give chase to other insects and butterflies that are larger than itself. 

    Tony, I'm the same as Jim, we have seen them quite a bit around different places.

    I was out today looking for some Dingy Skippers in a local reserve that I've not visited before. But unfortunately, I do believe I'm rather late in finding them but I've noted the possible sites for next year.

    I did see quite a lot of Small Coppers again today.

    I also found a Small Skipper but It was the only one I saw today

    A Comma was also seen, it was a bit awkward photographing this one, it was very very obliging however, the place was full of thistles, trying to get to eye level without getting pricked was impossible so I fired a burst of shots and hurried away haha.

    Finally a large white allowed close views.

  • Love your second picture WE.


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  • Thanks Jim, It was my favourite butterfly shot of the day. I just couldn't help taking shots of the Small Coppers, they are too irresistible! At one point there were a pair and the male looked keen on mating but after waiting for a while, the female flew away which was a shame.  

  • Common Blue from today's visit to Saltholme.



  • Great shots WE, I'd hedge my bets with the female though, could be a Brown Argus! I can't tell from the photo!

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • Thanks Hazel, my sister and I had a discussion last night, we were wondering if the last one could have been a Northern Brown Argus, but it was hard for us to come into a conclusion because I couldn't get a shot of the underside of the forewing. Since from my guide, the Northern Brown Argus/ Brown Argus does not have spotting close to its body on the underside of the forewing compared to the common blue.

  • Very good photos.

    Apart from the spot on the forewing, I understand there is meant to be a (small) difference in the hindwing spots as well. A (Northern) Brown Argus has two spots very close together, described as almost a figure of eight.

    See the spots highlighted on this Northern Brown Argus I took earlier in the year (it also lacks that extra spot on the forewing and was seen in a spot well-known for them, so I'm reasonably confident of ID in this case).

    I don't know how reliable this method of ID is, but it worked for this individual obviously! Based on that however, I think yours would be a Common Blue.


    Nige   Flickr