Always take live mealworms with you !

A totally amazing last day at Leighton Moss and after we'd finished at the salt marshes we headed to the main reserve and although we had limited time by then (trying to get home via M6 before chock-a-block time)   we did spend about hour and half and came unbelievably close to a very obliging water rail who took a liking to the live mealies I had sprinkled down for it.    

Don't think we could have got closer to this Rail if we tried and although on its guard didn't seem to bother about our presence, so much so, I was beginning to call people over so they could get an equally good view as most were walking past the feeding log area without noticing the rail !  

I must have taken well over 200 photos of this rail which kept reappearing and was not more than 3 metres from our feet at one stage .....

I've got so many pics it's hard to choose the best ones to put on as they were all close   lol 

the cheeky blighter even came out and hopped on to the feeding log     lol

what a strange triangular shape they are   lol 

trying to wheedle a live mealie out of the hole in the log  

more mealies required   lol

The pics were endless but I'll stop here with reluctance    LOL  !!! 


Regards, Hazel 

  • Wow, those first four pictures are so sharp Hazel, you did have a good view of it and so close too might take my macro lens up with me next time, like.

    Occupancy:   2

    Check-In:   22-Jan-2018

    Check-Out:   25-Jan-2018


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  • Thanks Jim,   this Rail was by the banana shaped feeding log in the brook behind and kept reappearing for mealies;   he put on an amazing show, best views I've ever had of a Rail and took my breath away when he stepped closer and hopped on to the log right in front of us  !    Hope you get some good shots of this one when you go at the end of January.   Take plenty of live mealies but I did put mixed seed down too which they seem to eat.

    post edit:  hope you used the HELLO18 code .... £22 studio   £24  2 bed lodge   !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Wow indeed. What amazing close-ups of this normally shy bird. I wonder if they just get used to people or whether hunger overcomes fear.

    No wonder you took over 200 shots. Opportunities like that don't come along every day. Just as well you had the f2.8 lens as it looks quite dark where the bird was.



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  • Thanks Tony,  yes it was in a very dark area round the feeding log and after lunch the light faded slightly so I needed the f2.8;  you could have even used macro on this obliging Rail   lol    There seems to be more Rails at L.M. than I can count, you hear them "squealing" all over the reserve so must have had a mammoth breeding season last year.   Like most birds there they are used to huge numbers of visitors although they are shy birds and will scuttle off at the slightest disturbance -  once they've finished the mealies  LOL


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Sadly I could not find the code again Hazel :) but its a free one for me my mates paying for it :) I said I would go half but he is happy so i am not going to argue with him lol


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  • Plus I get another free bottle of wine :)


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  • Great collection of shots of that Rail, Hazel.  I was convinced you would eventually have better views than your first sightings, but hopping up onto the log--it must have been very hungry!  That, or it is taking lessons from the Bitterns at Minsmere as I mentioned once before!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • James G said:

    Check-In:   22-Jan-2018

    Check-Out:   25-Jan-2018

    We're check in 24th,  check out 26th     -    see you there    LOL


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nice 1, you will meet my mate Jim then Hazel :)


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