Frisky Redshank

Whilst sitting in Morecambe Hide down by the salt marshes at Leighton Moss, a pair of Redshank were going through the motions of mating,  I can't believe this early in the season for the real thing so maybe it was a practice run and their bonding routine  lol        The photos tell a story when the end pic shows Mrs Redshank nipping the leg of Mr Redshank   telling hi to clear off   !!!     lol 

Here's how it started,  foraging around the reeds by salt marsh 

It's just seen it's mate the other side of the reeds .............   you can just make out the other bird on the left 

then it was ..... well.....    energetic   lol          this behaviour went on three times that we noticed so spring is in the air despite 1 degree  lol

love those wings  !! 

poor Mrs Redshank    !     size 10 boots and toe nails not trimmed   !

and then he got a good nip on the leg   lol


Regards, Hazel