Leighton Moss - The 3 Amigos !

Hello folks,   well, Jim, Mike and I made it back to Cumbria and Leighton Moss although somebody !  overslept and then got delayed on the wretched M6 due to an accident that closed the lanes Northbound and it ended up taking Jim 4 hours to get there from North of Manchester arriving around noon;    meanwhile, Mike and I managed to beat the closure although traffic was quite heavy generally.     We arrived  just before 9am and did a quick inspection of the reserve by reception area to assess the water levels ...........before heading straight back to the car for our wellies  !!         To put it simply, water was higher than the bad storm two years ago and you couldn't get far unless you had the wellies.    Once pathways, they had now become wide canals  !!   Swans were swimming up the footpaths and wetland intermingled with pathways so you had to ensure you stuck to the middle of the path for fear of dropping into the wetland   LOL     However, we managed pretty well and whenever there is a challenge there is always plenty of jocularity to be had especially when forumates meet up   ! 

Without further ado here are a few photos to start off this thread;    Jim will add his too and we will put them up in batches so not to overload you all  !

First, an idea of the flooded paths,  deeper in some parts than others and we didn't attempt to go to the far hide (Lower Hide) as we heard it would be over your wellies !      

Just quick snaps taken on my mobile ............        This is the path by the feeding logs not far from Sky Tower

the turn off for Tim Jackson or Grisedale Hides

Towards Grisedale Hide

Two unnamed lunatics on the Causeway    lol 


Swans thinking the public pathway was a river   lol

Feeding log area heading towards Sky Tower and reception 

always plenty of robins to feed so we had taken mealworms and a mixed bag of peanuts, sun-hearts, suet pellets, kibbled nuts and mixed seed for the Mallards 

the birds at the far end of the reserve were eager to have a share of the food -  being flooded everywhere, I could only find the wooden bench suitable to put down some bird food 

some would knock others off the bench to get to the food   lol 

ok that will do for now,  I just wanted to set the scene and will add more later -   over to you Jim  !! 


Regards, Hazel 

  • I told you to rent a canoe!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Glad you started the thread Hazel, I still have a few more picture to get ready, and that M6 Wow, I turned of the engine and it was 55 minuets later when I restarted it and then it was stop start till junction 33 so I am bushed now ready for that bed but will hang on a wee bit more lol

    Just a few of what the water was like and then it’s the birds, and Paul, will be happy I have more then 15 pictures for him but will spread them about so not to get peps bored of them.



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  • Crikey, I knew there had been a lot of rain in the north-west but I didn't know it was that bad. At least the sun was shining today.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Some of the birds shame i did not get there till 12:00pm.



    My Pictures

    My Fbook Group

  • Lovely, Jim--thanks!  At least it was sunny!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • lol Tony,  it was worse than we expected but was the most beautiful day of sunlight so we all had a great time exploring in our wellies !   Mike and I, just like Jim, are completely bush-whacked too so I'll try load more tomorrow evening.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Sleep well, Hazel (and Jim and Mike), and I look forward to further reports!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • TJ, I read the blog from LM before Hazy and Co left for their holiday and LM warned about the flooding and the need for Wellies.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks Ann, just had a nice soak in hot bath and off to bed shortly;   by the way,  we are in a different chalet to the one we normally ask for  ............ as it was flooded (for the 2nd time) like several others on the complex  !!    Nite from Cumbria, another sunny day expected tomorrow but ice on the ground first thing.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Time for a couple more before today's adventures  !       

    I try get pics without food in the shot if possible, only problem is with everything underwater the birds were always around the food  lol 

    one for Paul ....     (Jim will have lots more for you) 

    pretty blue tit 

    in a hurry to snaffle up the bird food ! 

    Mrs Mally - on the footpath  ! 

    dear little CT 

    not a good shot but to show you the Coal Tit and Marsh Tit together ...

    another Mrs Mally by the pathway ...

    I know most of you think House Sparrows are common place but I never see them in the garden so this was a thrill for me   LOL

    a very nice looking female Blackbird 


    and a corvid for Clare !    one of three that followed the bags of bird food around the reserve  lol

    Robin with attitude 

    and last but not least .............   name that white bird in the centre    lol          not too hard I think ?

    Right, that's it for now, will leave Song Thrush and other birds for Jim to post up ......     he's already on his way out to the reserve so I better get my skates (or should that be Wellies and skates on ? )    !!    catch you later folks.  


    Regards, Hazel