How about a corvid thread?couple more tonight

Here's a few shots from Sunday

I was glad to see Mr Rook doing a grand job of cleaning up the mess left by spadgers earlier.

Isn't he a handsome chap.

A few of his cousins just wonder if they can help

She made it safely I wonder if I can

I'm watching you carefully

Phew...made it.

Got rid of those pesky jackdaws and now you can see my lovely plumage

Shame that person with the camera left out my tail!!

Just showing that I'm good at sharing really.

Hope you like them


Lot to learn

  • Hi Gaynors
    Thanks for answering my query, This was the only bird I photographed yesterday,. all the other birds were hiding.
  • Do they maybe all have some white feathers undernieth as it looks like it does in mine above as the wind blows and the white is revealed below...only a suggestion Wink

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Great photos love the witch and the broom
  • Hi Gaynorsl
    They certainly like that tree, I think I should take a little more interest in corvids,
  • Hi Linda, I have never taken much notice of corvids before so will in future.
  • i love robins said:
    Hi Linda, I have never taken much notice of corvids before so will in future.

    ILR, we have a pair of crows (possibly this years young), regular visitors to the garden, and so gentle in their approach and mannerisms, not like the bolshy magpies......

  • Hi Mike
    We rarely see them in the garden but magpies are a regular visitor.
  • This thread had become one of my favourites as next to raptors corvids are my favourite groups. We spent the last hour of daylight today watching several hundred Jackdaws and dozens of Rooks going in to roost, v ery few Crows among them though.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Crows are certainly full of character and wonderful to watch. I cannot answer the question of whether they have white feathers underneath but I had not seen a Crow with white feathers until last year when we noticed a pair visiting our garden regularly and one of them had a couple of white tail feathers. This year it seems to have moulted those but now it has at least one feather with some white in it elsewhere on its body. Last summer they came with a third Crow who was clearly their youngster; it was continually begging for food from them. Now there are only two visiting again and it is great that they seem to notice when we put out new food (they love the suet blocks) because many times one or both will arrive within minutes after we have gone back inside. One thing that puzzles me is that they furiously chase the Wood Pigeons out of the garden--why?! We had not seen that behaviour anywhere before moving to this house about 18 months ago. Normally they do not chase other Corvids apart from occasionally our Magpies, possibly partly because the other Corvids usually seem to notice that a Crow is heading for our back garden and they leave as the Crow is arriving.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I don't get a wood pigeon in my garden oddly enough Ann, I get plenty of feral and the odd collared dove. Have no idea why the Crow would make a fuss about Mr or Mrs Woodie, wouldn't have thought there was any competition foodwise but maybe it is to do with size? both being of similar build. Who knows what goes on in their heads, wouldn't it be great to know:-)

    Lot to learn