Fabulous Fence Posts

The humble fence post. They're all over the place, and in my opinion, they do a good job. They keep things in and they keep things out. I like them.!!

Please feel free to post any fence post shots that you may have.

This is an example of a fence post but they do come in different shapes and sizes.

They're well worth keeping an eye on because just like me,  various other things also like fence posts.!!

Arctic Terns for example.

And Skylarks.

Meadow Pipits like them a lot.!!

So do Wheatears.

Even though this Linnet isn't actually on a fence post, he probably really likes them as well.

Snipe really like being on the ground but they're not totally against having a go on a fence post now and again.!!

Redshanks are of a similar opinion to Snipes.

This is fun.!! Really small birds also like fence posts, like this Stonechat.

Great big birds like Curlews also stand on top of fence posts sometimes.

As do colourful birds like Oystercatchers.!!

Hooded Crows take it in turns to stand on fence posts.

But Short-eared Owls like them all to themselves.

Fence posts are just great.!! You may even have one in your garden somewhere, they're well worth keeping an eye on. I might even start a fence post appreciation society.!! :-)

My bird photos HERE

  • Thanks Tony. It's a lovely valley and quite a few farms have kestrels nesting, presumably to help deal with rodents. Also a few families nesting in tree hollows which is great to see,

  • Well done Bob. I love the liitle uns ... Thumbsup

  • Thanks, Mike.

    We had two massive surprises at the graduation ceremony. My daughter was the only candidate to receive, on the day, the award for Physics with Quantum Computing. She was in a category all of her own. To be fair, the degree was very new to Surrey university, instigated this year. As she, and a couple of other students, did the required optional modules their bog standard Physics degree was 'bumped' up to Physics with Quantum computing. She was the only one with this degree to attend the ceremony.

    The other surprise to all was that she got the Janet and Mark Preston prize for her final year project: Machine learning applied to Star Astrophysics. I read her paper, understood about a third of it, but it was a particularly fine paper and project.  Surrey university do not tell students ahead of time if they are awarded a prize. They find out when they sit at the allocated seat and find a bit of card which informs them they have a prize, but not what prize.

    As you can imagine, I was grinning from ear to ear, and still am, even though the ceremony was over a fortnight ago.

    Now she needs to find a job.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Thanks all for the kind comments about the robin. I didn't think it would come out as the light wasn't the best. But it did allow me to get close to it.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Congratulations Angus, I'll bet you were chuffed! congratulations to your Daughter too. As you say .. next step work!