A day of surprises

Awoke to hard frost on the ground this morning but once again a beautiful clear blue sky and sunshine on offer;      the first bird we saw through the window apart from our "Wilma"    was a Redwing on top of the waterfall but had no chance for a photo as the Corvids flew over and spooked it. 

      Mid morning we decided to head off to Woolston Eyes as we hadn't visited since August.    On arrival there were quite a few cars which was unusual to see and as we headed towards the J.Morgan hide we were told there was a Green-winged Teal amongst a flock of 475 Teal  which had flown in this very morning so talk about good timing   !!    It was quite a distance away but once we were given the main ID tips to look out for we located the bird through binoculars very quickly and it was surprisingly easy to separate with that distinct vertical white stripe by shoulder area which stretched all the way down.     So, pleased to see this "lifer" and although Woolston have recorded one on the reserve it was way back in 1987  so a nice tick for their year list.     

   When were returned home and just before dusk a pair of Goldcrests were flitting around the top of the waterfall area   -   we hardly ever see one let alone two so another very nice and welcome surprise.  

Photos of the Green-winged Teal and the Goldcrests   I hear you ask   !!     yes, but record shots only  !      

Here we go :        spot the odd one out  lol .................

can you see it now ?  

huge crop    !!!    

and our garden Goldcrests ....................      pity I missed a pic of the Redwing this morning  :(

post edit:  forgot that a Jay finally returned to the fold this morning too - hope the cold weather brings them back in more regularly


Regards, Hazel