HOORAY!! I saw my first............

Hi, folks.

After a walk in Wales and a lung-searing climb up Sugar Loaf mountain yesterday afternoon, I saw a new species of bird - for me, anyway. What I mean is, I had my first sighting of a species.

Isn't it great, when you excitedly identify a 'first' in your nature log? This got me to thinking that I would share this excitement with you wonderful people on this forum, as soon as I had driven home. As it happens, what I actually did was watch Springwatch, have a cold beer and then crash out oafishly on the sofa for several hours.

But I was thinking some more today and I thought, what if.... what if we had a link on this forum - a single thread - for everybody to share their first sightings of a species? We all love birds, so it is a given that we would add any new avian sighting to this thread, but actually, we could add a first of anything that we can identify, either by ourselves or with help from this forum. Birds, mammals, beetles, butterflies - anything in the natural world that thrills us and is a first for each person could go on this thread and the enthusiasm be shared by everyone. The best part of it is that even a humble Greenfinch (and beautiful they are) could be a first for a new wildlife enthusiast and end up on this thread. We could literally have anything from a Wren to a Wryneck, a Dormouse to a Dung Beetle. What do you think? I would love to hear of your personal discoveries on this thread and I don't mind getting the ball rolling. I started this off by telling you that I'd seen a first of a species yesterday, so here goes;

HOORAY! I saw my first........ WHEATEAR! I was taking a rest on the ridge of Sugar Loaf mountain and gazing down a steep tumble of grass, Gorse, scree and boulders. I suddenly became aware of a couple of birds running and soaring from boulder to boulder down below. Handsome birds - the most distinguished having a grey back, a bandit stripe of black across the face and a very obvious white rump. The wings flashed black in flight and, from this distance, the front looked an offish white (later seen to have quite an orange blush). The other bird looked browner and I later found out was a female. I then saw another male in the vicinity. Fascinated, I watched them sprint and swoop among the craggy rocks for some time, but they also seemed to perch in a very obvious manner on the top of the rocks. This is the first time I had seen Wheatears and it made my walk complete. I just wanted to share this new experience with you all.


On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it - Jules Renard

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/06/2010 16:17 in reply to aiki

    What fab shots - clever Mr aiki

    I am determined to see a Snow Bunting as I love them to bits. Heard that they are common on Ruthin beach in the Winter months, so I'm off there this Winter with hope in my heart.


  • He is clever <is proud>  :D

    Snow Bunts are really lovely, Pipit. Well worth the effort to find, and often very confiding when you do. Mr aiki lay down on the shingle on his tummy and this one came really close to him. We found it (along with several of its friends) on the beach at Cley last autumn. If you want to see one now in 'sum-plum'you could always go up Cairngorm...! (though I actually think their winter plumage is nicer).

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 04/06/2010 16:27 in reply to Anonymous

    Unknown said:

    What fab shots - clever Mr aiki

    I am determined to see a Snow Bunting as I love them to bits. Heard that they are common on Ruthin beach in the Winter months, so I'm off there this Winter with hope in my heart.


    Yowzer! Sorry Welsh people. I meant Rhyl beach. Ruthin is landlocked!!!

    Thanks for the 'sum plum' advice aiki


  • Great shots everyone! Love the grey seal in particular!!

    Still sorting through my pics from Mull but this puffin from the Treshnish Isles (Lunga) joins me is saying "hooray", I saw my first ever puffins and what gorgeous little things they are!!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Ee by gum!

    Already, I'm loving this thread. Thank you all very much for the immediate input and the excellent photographs. That Snow Bunting and the Grey Seal, the Puffin and Linnet - brilliant stuff, makes me want to put a rucksack on my back and head off again.


    On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it - Jules Renard



    I took a beginner out today for an introductory walk- he saw his first Black tailed Godwits, Avocets, Little Gulls, Curlew Sandpiper, Blackcap and Marsh Harrier.



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Great photos and such a sense of excitement when you see a first - no matter what

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • What a fantastic day he had then S.

    bet he is still smiling.



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 06/06/2010 01:59 in reply to AL

    I saw an Osprey taking a fish from the 'Fornells' bay close to our chalet in  Menorca.  It was amazing to see the coverage of the event happening in front of our eyes.  Dave saw the same Osprey further up the same bay doing the same thing.  The ospreys must have been feeding chicks.  I did not have my camera at the time due to the fact I was going out for the evening with my sailing friends - darn it!!

    The last time I ever saw Ospreys live was in Scotland (where I come from by the way) at Vane Farm many, many, many years ago when I was a teenager.  I was with my mother and brother at the time.  My mother is a 'life-time' bird lover and my brother was not interested in the event at all.

    Funnily it is the males in my family who are not interested in birds and the females are!  Strange old world.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi all

    Lovely, lovely photos everyone, aiki, I love the Snow Bunting and MarJus your Puffin is perfect.

    My first experience of being rooted to the spot in awe wasn't a bird, but whales - we went whale watching off Cape Cod about 5 years ago.  For me it was a sight to behold, we saw a number of different species, minke, humped back and fin whales surfacing so close to the boat that you felt you could touch them.   I'll never forget them, they are still ingrained into my memory - alas I lost all the photos when our hard drive failed not long after we got back..............ooooh did I swear!