Has anyone noticed how naughty the baby starlings are? I have noticed them pecking for food for over a week now, but they still want to be fed by their parents, even though they are capable of eating for themselves! They make very loud chirruping noises with their little mouths open and the poor parents keep loading the food in! I've been watching a parent teaching its baby how to have a bath in my bird bath this morning, wonderful!
I have noticed how the naughty baby starlings are behaving at present, they are so greedy, my garden is like a theme park for them, what with a bird bath, 20 or more lining up for a bath, they only need a bar of soap and a towel!! They make such a noise, also their mums swinging on the fat balls and seed holders, its quite fun to be entertained.
Unknown said: Has anyone noticed how naughty the baby starlings are? I have noticed them pecking for food for over a week now, but they still want to be fed by their parents, even though they are capable of eating for themselves! They make very loud chirruping noises with their little mouths open and the poor parents keep loading the food in! I've been watching a parent teaching its baby how to have a bath in my bird bath this morning, wonderful!
Welcome to you both!! Starlings are ever so entertaining! Has always amused me how the youngsters do do that, but then it works!! They get fed!! They're not daft (although the parents are!!)
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Welcome from me also. Although I am lucky enough to get lots of different birds and wildlife in my garden, I rarely attract starlings, so thank you, I really enjoyed your descriptions.
I have also read very entertaining accounts of sparrows on here as well and as I hardly ever see sparrows in my garden, I appreciated seeing photos and reading other peoples stories about them. That is what I love about this forum, and you learn so much.
I don't suppose you have any photos? :-)
Kind regards Jane.
Welcome from me.
Yes they are very naughty and very funny to watch aren't they.We have at least 7/8 chicks with at least 3/4 parents every day..........the noise is very loud too...........Its a good job I live in a village with our own aviary because people know us and like what we have too.......
That goes along way to enjoying your wildlife too....no hassle from neighboughs....
SUE and LUCKY..just call me Mrs Early Bird.....x
Our house operate's soley for our animals and birds......Love me love my animals........