I took this today and wanted to share it with you. What an adorable family! I don't think the gremlins have cut off too much of the photo. Can you see the unusual white collar on the mother mallard? I expect she has some white duck in her genes and that is why she has a couple of yellow ducklings in her brood. Isn't nature wonderful!
Lovely family. Ducklings are so cute
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Pipit, what a wonderfu photograph of a beautifull scene. You are quite right, they are an adorabe family.
Lovely scene, Pipit. I love ducklings, they are so cute and surprisingly quick in the water. Mum mallards always look so serene.
I was only thinking yesterday that all mallard ducklings are identical, clones of each other. (except for the odd yellow throw back), yet when they grow up they become so different from one another, all shapes, sizes and markings.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi Sparrow
I don't think this one has decided quite what to be!!!!
Pipit x
Hi Pipit,
Sorry, but I can't see your photo. Those gremilins are back again. Can you edit/delete and repost it?
Doh, I've now got the dreaded little red cross. Anyway, the photo is of a male mallard with a white face, green head and a brown and white body. A right mixture! What you said about their diversity is so true.