We decided the weather was too good to stay at home yesterday so went for a visit to Leighton Moss. Was our first time to an RSPB reserve and a first in hides! We both had a fab time and took a few (hundred) photos. We didn't take the tripod as thought it might be a bit weird, as we didn't know what to expect... wish we had now!
Flickr is the link to the flickr page with some of the better photos on (to save me posting them all here) but I would like confirmation that the below are black-tailed godwit if someone could please :)
Kate xx
Yes, those are Black-tailed Godwits.
Off to look at your Flickr page now :)
ETA - great pics, looks like you had a fab day :) Love the Marsh Harrier and the male Bullfinch on the feeder. Your Small White is actually a Green-veined White :)
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/
thanks for the butterfly info aiki, have amended the titles :)
Love your photo of the black-tailed godwits. Did you notice the orange breasts of their summer plumage on some of the birds if you enlarge the image. Haven't looked at your photos on Flickr yet; but I will
Regards TJ
My Flickr Photostream