An exciting day at No. 41

After bemoaning the disappearance of some of my finches, I had a welcome return today. A siskin pair - the same pair who have previously been "regulars" in 2010. I know they are the same pair because one of them wears a lovely silver ring. They have been missing from my garden for 3 or 4 weeks, so I was over the moon to see them again.

Then this afternoon, yet another brilliant return from a bird i thought I would lose for the summer. Again, I haven't seen him for 3 or 4 weeks, but today he came back and helped himself to the nyjer seed. He is still wearing his brilliant breeding plumage, but today he didn't have his mate with him. Is she sitting on a nest somewhere? I hope so. Yes, it's my lovely redpoll.

Not content with these two returning rovers, I have a nest!!!!! I was beginning to think I would never have one, but this afternoon I watched a starling coming and going through a hole in the soffit boards on the top corner of our house, above the ivy. The starling was busy collecting mouthfuls of mealworms and taking them to the nest - so they have babies. This hole is there because the soffits in this area were ruined by the ivy, which hubby cut back last autumn. We had some estimates for repair before Christmas and it is very lucky we did nothing about it at the time. It will now have to wait until next autumn!!

All in all, a wonderful day at number 41.


Cheers, Linda.

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