I've seen loads (well, at least 6 which is loads considering how many I usually see) of ladybirds today! Normally it's well into summer before I see any but they are out and about early this year! The butterflies are also enjoying the sunshine and got really close to a beautiful female roe deer. And I saw my first swallows of the year today too! They're hiding in the farm buildings lol
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Hi KatTai - great photo! You are fortunate to see ladybirds....I haven't seen any around my area yet. I have to admit I am not looking too close! But stil.....
Not too many butterflies here yet either, not as many as in previous years. But have seen small white; peacock; orange tip......I will keep looking!
Best wishes, Graham
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Superb shot Kat! Roes have to be my fave deer! Seen lots of the 7spot ladybirds just lately!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Lovely photo. We have lots of ladybugs too and butterflies but alas no deer
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Lovely photograph Kat.
I hadn't seen any ladybirds, but when I was driving home this afternoon, I found there was one on the steering wheel.
Yes! Saw my first ladybird yesterday - a Harlequin I believe. And it was on some Bluebells too!
Two for One!
Has anyone else seen Bluebells yet? Another sign of Spring!I was lucky enough to see a field of Bluebells last year whilst in north Norfolk....
Graham, are you sure it was a harlequin as I wouldn't be so happy to see one of those, they are an invasive species that could be a big threat to our native ladybirds!
KatTai said: Graham, are you sure it was a harlequin as I wouldn't be so happy to see one of those, they are an invasive species that could be a big threat to our native ladybirds!
Hi KatTai,
I know, we had quite a few last year. I gave up counting when I got to fourteen :)It looked very much like this one:
But it was on the Bluebells about a metre inside the flowerbed and I didn't want to tread on the soil around it.....Actually I remember crouching down looking at it and the Bluebells whilst people were walking past me giving me funny looks :)