
Went out this morning and found the fields alive with Orange-tips butterflys.... they were everywhere i looked, and newy emerged to boot... there arrival comes after the first cuckoo flower or ladys Smock was seen on saturday... this plant is the feed plant of the caterpiller and the female will lay a single yellow egg on the leaf joint so the newy hatched caterpiller can feed upon it...


Female Orange-tip



Male Orange-Tip


Also seen at the moment are old peacock, speckled woods, whites, comas and a.few other what have over wintered in ya garden shed or in a evergreen... theses will die within days sadly ..they just got one job to do first... lay eggs on new greenery for the second gen in the late summer........



dont just look enjoy and leave for others to share after you. we dont own the earth we just rent a small part of it....