Our holiday cottage garden overlooked open farmland, which was a feeding ground for the local corvid population. We don't get many corvids here apart from my lovely jackdaws and a few magpies, so I was really pleased to see all the rooks visiting for their meals. They amused me no end with their strutting, but one evening I was absolutely delighted when a Raven landed on the fence post. Never having seen one outside the Tower of London (and that was 50 years ago) I was amazed at his size. Unfortunately he flew away the second I pointed the camera at him. He was magnificent. I did get a picture of one of the rooks in the tree, however.
At this point I should mention the wonderful Choughs at South Stack. No pictures, but what lovely birds. I couldn't see any Puffins, but they were there somewhere.
We were also delighted to see so many Swallows. In one place near a lagoon they were dive bombing us. My pictures just show brown smudges, as though I had mud splashes on the lens, but here's a not very good one.
I was also pleased to see my first ever Sandpiper, feeding from the shallow side of a dam on a reservoir.
Then some Oystercatchers
and a lonely pied wagtail
Plenty of gulls
We also saw Cormerants and Shag - more firsts for me. It was then I realised I need a good lens extension for my camera!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi MarJus,
We stayed not far from Newborough Warren - spent quite a lot of time there. They promised an abundance of red squirrels in the pine forest but I never saw any. The Raven roost is there. Apparently it is the largest raven roost in the world, with about 800 ravens. They weren't there when we went, probably busy nesting elsewhere. Enjoy your stay!
Hi Sparrow, If you are still missing the Stack. I thought you may be interested in this camera at the South Stack
Hi Brenda,
Many, many thanks for that link. I didn't know about it. I have added it to my favourites and will be watching all day tomorrow!!
Hi Sparrow
Lovely photos, sounds like a good place to visit. Perhaps you'll go back some day and get another chance at the puffins.
Our first visit to South Stack Anglesy was just after we took up bird watching for real! It was a whole list of firsts for us.
puffin, guillemot, razorbill, kittiwake, fulmar, rock pipit(pointed out for us), linnet, whitethroat and of course chough
I was laughed at for getting so excited over the variety and number of gulls.
I found the webcams last year and had lots of fun watching squabbling neighbours.