Farne Islands 19-5-2014

Had a weeks holiday in Seahouses, stayed in the same cottage as we have done for some years now.
I could only visit the Farne Islands once and chose the Inner Farne seeing you can get some good photographic opportunities and I was not disappointed, there are two pictures I took that I like very much and one bird we can find on our local canal or lake the Mallard!!  for these I got down on my belly for the shots and I think they turned out quit nicely.



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  • Lindisfarne is a nice place, I have not seen anything out of the ordinary there, but I did see about six hares boxing some years ago sadly I did not have a camera then only binos and they put a good display on sadly I have not been that early in the year to see them again.
    If you are just after wildlife, Christine, you will be disappointed but it’s a nice place to ge other types of photographs, a good place is the Monastery but you do have to pay to go inside, another is if you head towards the Castle and at the point were the new building is on your left go right along the beach there are some old boats tipped upside down and covered with what looks like oiled cloth but I have not looked that closely, but you can with a short lens get some nice pictures of these and the old boats lying around, you might see some small birds knocking about too so be ready to change the lens if you have too, if you walk to the end and up the little dirt pathway you will get a good view of Monastery from above I have got a nice panorama here I posted the picture earlier in another thread but will post it here for you.

    Glad you had a good time on the Islands,aiki, and you have some very nice pictures i bet you have a lot more if you had two day on the Islands.

    Thanks for that,TeeJay, The Shag carrying a bouquet made me smile too but i could not make out what it was so thanks.

    Click on the picture twice to see it full view.



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  • Well, both islands visited today - 1700 photos to sort out.  They took 2 hours just to download to the laptop!


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Bearing in mind how it bucketed it down yesterday, I was a bit nervous, but apart from one shower, it was pretty good :-)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Jim - thanks for all the extra information about Lindisfarne - your photo of the monastery is stunning!

    Whistling Joe - can't wait to see your photos as well - you know, with all these photos appearing and getting me even more excited about my trip, I am going to be inconsolable if the weather isn't good enough for my boat to sail!!

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Glad to hear you had a good time, Joe, and the weather was not to bad for you, hope you got some nice pictures on the Islands.

    Your welcome, Christine, and I hope too that’s its fine that day I might be going up the day before for a long weekend :)



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  • To keep you going, here's a technically challenging shot of a shag.  Why challenging?  Cos Mrs WJ had wandered off with the 24-105 (chasing Puffins) leaving me with the 400mm.  That meant I had to stand back and try to take pics past the people getting full frame shots with their phones.  Yes, they really are THAT close sometimes!  You'll love it - 2 hours on each island sounds a long time, but I can assure you the time whizzes past


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • I too have the Farne's on my "must do" list. Even more determines to go now. Only snag, we live just 8 miles north of Southampton, so a long drive. Won't be this year, so next June sounds like a good bet. Will have to save the pennies for the diesel and accommodation, oooh and compact flash cards, and new lenses, and new tin hat, and new walking boots, and new rucksack, and............

    All of you who are going shortly, have a wonderful trip, and please post some pics on your return.

    I now need to make notes of all the useful tips on this thread.

    P S can some of you recommend a good cottage to hire for the week at Seahouses please. A personal email if not allowed to advertise on this site.

    Take care all, Stich.

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  • Stich, I stayed here: www.springhill-farm.co.uk - I was in the bunkhouse but they have several cottages too. It's about 1.5 miles inland from Seahouses, an easy and beautiful walk to the coast if you don't feel like driving. The place seems very well-run and the setting is lovely.

  • Very nice, Joe, like you say its hard when you have a long lines on and you at the edge of the cliffs with a lot of other people around that’s why I carry my 60mm macro lens with me.

    When the cottage we have stayed in before is booked up we have stayed here a few times, you can have a room here and have breakfast in the price, but if you like self-catering they have other properties very close to the harbour one with a commanding view over it and a bungalow that we have stated in thats at the back of the beer garden and we did not find it nosey  just out of the front door is a view over the roof tops and harbour so if you want a nice relaxing evening sit out on a chair with a pint from the bar and just chill, you sleep here and have a table inside the hotel part of the Ship to have breakfast, it would be best to phone them to get the correct price for next year and what month you want to go.

    Olde Ship



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  • Thanks Aiki and James, I will deffo be looking into this next year, as long as I am still fit enough. Just returned from Langstone Harbour, lots of Little Egrets nesting in trees, and a Grey Heron too. Will post a few later.

    Take care all, Stich.

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