Farne Islands 19-5-2014

Had a weeks holiday in Seahouses, stayed in the same cottage as we have done for some years now.
I could only visit the Farne Islands once and chose the Inner Farne seeing you can get some good photographic opportunities and I was not disappointed, there are two pictures I took that I like very much and one bird we can find on our local canal or lake the Mallard!!  for these I got down on my belly for the shots and I think they turned out quit nicely.



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  • Unknown said:

    Couldn't have asked for more to be honest. It was quite calm and the weather just got better and better, we all got caught by the sun(-:). On the way across we came upon a pod of dolphins, then on of the other boats came about 30yards abeam of us and we sailed along in parallel with the dolphins swapping from one bow wave to the other- well done to the pilots as it meant everyone got to see them, which wouldn't have been the case if they had stayed in our bow wave. The sea trip round the islands was great where we saw all of the birds fishing and we even had two fly past by Gannet though they didn't hang around to fish.there were also lots of Grey Seal about too, either popping up to check what was going on or just hauled up on the beach. Then came our time on Inner Farne - I just can't remember an hour passing so quckly but I made sure to visit all the points. As far as I could see the only birds with young were the Shags and some of those still had eggs. Roseate Tern hadn't arrived yet and there were apparently only a handful of Common Tern. The Arctic Tern were laying well and were keeping the wardens busy adjusting the path whenever a Tern decided to lay on the footpath. Didn't see any gull snatches but the Puffins were constantly under ambush as they returned. Hundreds of photos and may not get a report done until we get home next weekend. Fabulous, everyone enjoyed it and will definitely be going back in the future.

    With my trip to the Farne Island in just over a day longer than a fortnight away on Saturday 21st June, I'm looking forward to seeing your photograpths of the Farne Islands Bob.



  • Yes, I'm glad my trip to the Farne Islands is not this Saturday, but 2 weeks later. Hopefully the weather will have improved by then Bob. I've been quite lucky with all my field trips weather wise so far with my RSPB Local Group. But no doubt sometime I'll be unlucky!!



  • Unknown said:
    But no doubt sometime I'll be unlucky!!

    You have to test that new jacket sometime Ian


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Wendy S said:

    You have to test that new jacket sometime Ian

    I've already tried the jacket out in the rain earlier this week when out shopping on Thursday and the rain was quite steady but not heavy and the rain hit the jacket just as droplets and then it just rolled of completely. It's really a very top quality jacket and I'm very pleased with it.



  • I have been lucky then, Pete, every time I have been on the Islands its been fine :)

    Hope my directions helped, Bob, will be nice to see some of your pictures.

    Stupid me, Ian, I was looking at last months calendar, so it will be the 20th of this month Friday and stay till Monday, I’m still not sure if my mate want to come he wants me to go sea fishing in Hartlepool or Newcastle in is mates boat, it sounds good but I have been eating lots of fish these last few weeks :)



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  • That’s the problem only having an hour, Bob, the all day one says two hours on each Island but I have found it was a little less but knowing were to go helps and not hanging around unless your after that one shot you have been looking for :)



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  • Really looking forward to your photos Bob - two weeks today for me now!  I'm going up for the weekend with a friend as MrB didn't really want to go, but I'm hoping that when he sees all the pics he will just want to see for himself and take me back there the weekend after (well you can dream!)  In the meantime, my friend is really good company and after the boat trip on the Saturday we are planning to go to Lindisfarne on the Sunday before coming home.  I am so excited I just hope I'm not building it up too much, and also that we don't get a summer storm so the boat won't sail!

    See my Flickr photos here



  • I got back from the Farnes yesterday, had two days on the islands. It was wonderful, even better than I imagined. We didn't have great weather but the heavy rain held off. A morning walk along the beach at Seahouses is also highly recommended, it's preposterously beautiful (and there are nesting Sand Martins). Lots of photos to sort out now! Here are a couple.

  • Glad you had such a great time aiki even if the weather wasn't the best it could have been.  Those first few photos are beautiful - love the tern and of course the puffin with sand eels in its beak!  Thanks for the tip about the beach at Seahouses - will put that in the schedule for the Sunday morning - weather permitting!  

    See my Flickr photos here



  • It seems everyone is going to the Farnes this summer. I'm getting envious.

    Lovely photos, aiki, who doesn't like a Puffin carrying sand eels. The Shag(?) carrying a bouquet made me smile. Looking forward to some more.



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