Farne Islands 19-5-2014

Had a weeks holiday in Seahouses, stayed in the same cottage as we have done for some years now.
I could only visit the Farne Islands once and chose the Inner Farne seeing you can get some good photographic opportunities and I was not disappointed, there are two pictures I took that I like very much and one bird we can find on our local canal or lake the Mallard!!  for these I got down on my belly for the shots and I think they turned out quit nicely.



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  • Your welcome, Christine, its not far to walk you can do it in a few mins but you will get the best spot :) When you do get off the boat and start to go over the top some Puffins will be on your right and some will have a beak full of sand eels, they look like they are just hanging around but they want to take them to their young but are afraid to go to the hole because we are there that’s why they don’t land in the morning it give them a chance to feed the young, when you are going back to the boat stop at the top of the steeps and you will see lots of Puffins coming back with a beak full of eels and going out with it empty.


    Just noticed the Puffin above has a ring on, I never noticed this before.



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  • You might get attacked by the Artic Turns, Bob, so have good head gear on, I always go right on the board walk after you pass the toilets, get some nice pictures of the Artic Turns hovering before taking the eel to its youg and attacking people lol

    Carry on all the way around if its open till you pass the Lighthouse, you can get some nice pictures here with the sea in the background and look out for the Gulls looking for young that are unattended sadly they will have them or the eggs :(

    Heading back down to the boat look to your left you will see some water and lots of Sandwich Terns you can’t miss them with the short and long black feathers on their heads.


    Some pictures taken this Month.



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  • Thanks again for even more advice Jim!  I have bookmarked this thread and will print all the directions off before I set off!  If I come back with just one photo of a puffin with sand eels in its mouth I will be over the moon!

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Your welcome, Christine, and yes there are Puffins on the Inner Farne, Bob, took this one this week.



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  • Nice gift, Bob, I might pop up again if my mate wants to go or I might just go myself for a couple of days, I know a good Pub that we have stayed at before and they do a good breakfast and serve good beer :)



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  • For some reason I missed this thread, I've not heard of the Farne Islands but thanks to this posting I can see what I've missed. Fabulous photos! Good luck to those of you about to make the trip and really looking forward to the results!

  • Everybody should visit the Farnes at least once in their life :-) As mentioned, make sure you wear a hat - not one with large ventilation eyelets though.  The terns are extremely accurate and will stab your head straight through the holes!  It's also a good idea to go with someone else - so they can get a pic of a tern on your head (Mrs WJ) or lens (me) :-)

    Make sure you peer down any burrows in the ground as well....


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • If that Friday is tomorrow, Bob, it looks like you will have a nice day up there it say sunny most of the day, so hope you have a good one.

    Nice picture, Joe.



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  • Also from me Bob, have a good day on the Farnes!



  • Nice 1 Bob, if your staying in Seahouses call into the Olde Ship Inn and have a pint of Speckled hen beer its £3 a pint but nice :)



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