Out Of My Window (Video Update)

Hi Folks. Very cold and a bit frosty this morning so I just opened the top window and took a few shots from the relative warmth of the house. Hope you enjoy.


..Blue Tit...

..Collared Dove...

...Male House Sparrow...

.. Rook....


...Another Starling...

..and finally a Wood Pigeon..!!




My bird photos HERE

  • Hi Folks. Just an update from my garden today. Not too many photos this time. Hope you enjoy.

    Quite a lot of Jackdaws came in today..

    I had a lie in this morning so the food was late going out. The corvids seem to have a routine and often if the food is late out they don't come for it until the next day. I was surprised (but happy) that the Jackdaws came in.

    You get polite Jackdaws who only take their fair share....

    ..and also you get the other type......

    Another one on the 'Posing Pole'.....

    ...and another lovely view.

    I must have taken this one by accident as my 'in flight' shots never work out.!!

    Some Sparrows on the feeders...

    ..and again.

    A mixture on the grass....

    ...and a closer view.

    Mr Blackbird.....

    ...and his lovely girlfriend.

    There were two Robins today but this is the only decent shot I managed.

    Finally we have a rather lovely Dunnock. This photo was actually taken last week but I thought i'd slot in in at the end here.

    Thats all for now. Something different is bound to turn up eventually, perhaps over the Christmas holidays when I get to see the garden all day in the daylight.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Brilliant photos Paul - what a lot of sparrows you  have there!  Love the 'posing pole'!  Makes for some great photos.

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Thanks folks. Plenty Sparrows means plenty bird food. I really love them though and they always make me smile.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Great selection there. Really like the first blue tit picture

  • Hi folks. I haven't updated this for ages so I thought I'd add a few from the upstairs window this morning.

    The garden this morning before the food went out.

    The birds arrive

    A welcome visitor

    And in the trees

    A few Rooks, this one on the telephone line..

    In the trees...

    On top of the feeding station..

    And a final Rook at the telegraph pole.

    Below him and to the left, we have a Jackdaw.

    And finally a few Woodpigeon shots.

    On top of the Greenhouse..

    And a last shot on the grass.

    Thats all for now.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Rooks, jackdaws and yellowhammers - there are three birds I don't get in my garden.  I have had yellowhammers in the past but not for months now, so lovely to see that welcome splash of colour.  You look to be in a nice area with all that open land at the back of the garden.

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Thanks folks for your kind comments.


    My bird photos HERE

  • Lovely view of your plot PHA - wall looking good!!  Great pics too & I see you have a well used TP, handy aren't they, could call them posing poles!!  More regular updates please?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • This is a great thread to re-visit. Love it.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Thanks folks. I'd sort of forgotten about this thread for a while there. The weather has been so dull for so long that it wasn't really worth taking photos from the window. I always seem to take the photos for this thread first thing in the morning and it was a bit brighter this morning. I'm glad you all enjoyed the photos though.


    My bird photos HERE