I was just teasing and building a bit of tension. Having driven 80 miles I wasn't going to let a bit mist put me off(-:). Besides I couldn't see anything else so I waited for the sun and it gradually came.
As it was so far away, I thought I would try the 1.4 converter with the 400mm lens and go for manual focus.
So what did she do next - naturally she went.
and i rushed to get rid of the converter and try and find her as the light continued too improve.
Here she is, even further away.
While keeping half an eye on the Osprey, other things were happening. A Wren showed in the Reeds.
A pair of Great Crested Grebes modestly displayed to each other and even dived for weed.
And then when half an eye wasn't watching, she moved
and dived into a pool behind a line of trees
and came back into view.
So it looks like the mist delayed breakfast, which was after all good for me.
I'll post the rest of the photos (non Osprey) later.
Birding Blog here.
Flickr photos here.
wow bob wow !! wonderful thanks for the pictures
Bet that made your day Bob, fantastic sight and photos
Whose jealous now then :-)
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain