Well as I sit here typing, the wind is howling outside and the rain is lashing against the window and it seems like the whole of the UK is getting a battering this time.  Incredibly, just yesterday we were enjoying blue sky and sunshine.  The car thermometer read -4C as I left home for Loch Frisa and as I drove down the forestry track, I could see the loch shining like a mirror and Ben More  looking splendid with a covering of snow.  Ben Talaidh which is also visible from Loch Frisa and lies up Glen Forsa made a great picture sat between the fir trees.

Ben Talaidh - photo Debby Thorne




Ben Talaidh from Loch Frisa - photo Debby Thorne










As I put the key in the lock to the hide, I noticed one of our adults sat on top of a dead larch tree just basking in the morning sunshine.  Just stay there until the visitors have seen you, I whispered under my breath.  I quickly filled the feeders and got the hide ready and was just about to put the telescope out when I heard that familiar sea eagle call sounding like it was just outside the hide.  I quickly dashed to the door and spotted Skye sat on a small tree just yards from the hide.  Then another call - this time it was Frisa answering back and sitting nearby.  I held my breath hardly daring to move but just waiting to see if they were settled or about to depart.  They looked settled so crept out of the hide and drove up the track to meet our visitors.  I explained there was the possibility that both our adults were sitting close to the hide and we had to be very quiet.   We drove back down the track to the hide as I frantically scanned to see if they were still there.  Dave had been on watch and as we approached gave a big thumbs up to say there were still there.

The group were quiet as church mice and could hardly believe what they were seeing.  Frisa flew a short distance and sat on a crag so we were able to enjoy a great view of her profile against the background of the sky.  We were able to appreciate the size and depth of her beak - much bigger than a goldie!  And as if that wasn't enough, we were then joined by a juvenile golden eagle circling over the larches.  It gave us a great opportunity to point out the markings on a young golden eagle with the white spots on the underside of the wing and the white rump.  What more could you ask for - a fantastic location, fantastic wildlife and a fantastic group of people.  And for some of our visitors made even more special.  We were joined by Mr and Mrs Hirst who were on Mull celebrating Mr HIrst's 60th birthday.  Mr Hirst had always wanted to see a white tailed eagle and as a present, his wife had booked a holiday to Mull with the hope of catching sight of our spectacular birds.   Well I think he was more than delighted with his birthday present.

We were also joined by John and Meg who were on their Honeymoon. 

John & Meg on Honeymoon at the Eagle Hide, Loch Frisa - photo Debby Thorne



 John and Meg at the Eagle Hide, Loch Frisa







They were married on Saturday and had decided to spend some time on Mull. What a great choice.  When I explained that Skye and Frisa had been together for 14 years they were truly amazed and wondered if they could learn anything from our eagles to help them have a long happy life together - good communcation, always looking out for each other and great with youngsters are some ideas for starters!  Many congratulations and a long and happy life together.


Frisa - our female - photo Debby Thorne




Frisa, our female - photo Debby Thorne










It is also someone else's birthday tomorrow - Happy Birthday Dave - hope you have a great day!

Dont forget the hide is open throughout winter.  Full details of Mull Eagle Watch.


Debby Thorne

White Tailed Eagle Information Officer, Mull

  • Thank you Debby for another lovely blog and the photographs

    What a lovely experience for all your visitors and one which made their trip to Mull so memorable.

    Happy Birthday Dave!:)) I enjoyed watching you on Autumnwatch last night with your little Robin. How lovely to have company like that in your office!!

  • Thank you Debby for another lovely blog and the photographs

    What a lovely experience for all your visitors and one which made their trip to Mull so memorable.

    Happy Birthday Dave!:)) I enjoyed watching you on Autumnwatch last night with your little Robin. How lovely to have company like that in your office!!

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