Just a quick update tonight. It's been a long day. Unfortunately no sign of the chicks this afternoon/evening from the Loch Frisa side. It may be they are just lying low or have found something to eat out of sight. Skye came into roost this evening and I could see Frisa on her usual mound so I'm sure all is probably well. The weather hasn't been great and visibility poor so sadly today they were just beyond our reach. The cloud really did then descend and it was time to retreat. Talking of clouds descending, there was a major shock from another sea eagle nest here which just goes to show how close to the edge these birds are all the time - quite literally in this case - and why we worry so much about them. I'll report in full tomorrow. For now though it's time for me to go to roost.

Dave Sexton RSPB Mull Officer

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer