but not quite yet!
This evening I went to check up on Half Pint to see whether he has fledged yet. He and his sibling were 12 weeks old today! Its a bit of a precarious walk and loaded with a telescope, binoculars, daughter in tow, we tentatively made our way to the best position to view the nest without any of us tripping up, dropping the scope or the other threat, getting soaked to the skin by the heavy, intermittent showers we have had on and off today. At Loch Frisa the weather has been mainly bright and blustery with the odd heavy shower passing through - I thought a good day for fledging - a nice blustery breeze - great for taking that first step off the nest.
As we tentatively approached, with heart in mouth never quite knowing what you are going to find, we rounded the corner - a beautiful sight of an adult flying around enjoying the break in the weather - then the heart stopping moment as the nest comes into view (now, if I was Dave he would leave you hanging for a day or two!!).
Sat on the edge of the nest, two beautiful chocolate brown chicks, just chilling, looking around, watching Mum flying about. I was sure one of them would have gone today but no - they looked far too comfortable. Hopefully in the next few days, Mum and Dad will bring food but not take it directly to the nest, thereby trying to coax them out - thats when the fun starts for us, trying to keep an eye on them. But for this evening, Half Pint is looking fantastic, ready to face the world (well, in his own time).
As we opened the Hide at Loch Frisa this morning, we were treated to a beautiful display from Heather and Frisa - Frisa flying high on a thermal, Heather, flying lower and just still a little bit wobbly as she turns but beautiful nonetheless. They spent the morning sat on the other side of the Loch keeping each other company, sat side by side - our visitors were over the moon.
Managed to capture this shot of a Lapwing - often seen in the fields at Loch Frisa Photo Debby Thorne
Debby Thorne - White Tailed Eagle Information Officer, Isle of Mull
Yes, Mike, it was a great idea to confiscate estates - but I can't take credit for it. The idea was Sooty's. My contributions seem merely to be pestering people to sign petitions, when not pestering politicians (and accidentally adding alliteration?!). My teenaged son would have called it nagging. Perhaps someone could write to the Procurator Fiscal at Holyrood (Scotland's Public Prosecutor) and suggest changes in the penalties for the wilful poisoning of wildlife? Reasonable suggestions might be listened to, provided you don't call for the death penalty (don't forget that, whether you liked 'Braveheart' or not, the English really did hang, draw and quarter William Wallace). If anyone does write to the Procurator, let us know and I for one will write to back it up.
Hi Mex good idea the more the better to write may seem a bit pathetic to you but would you help by putting addresses on this blog perhaps be the bit of help some of us would appreciate.Did you see Sooty's last comment on What A Clever Girl.Hope all bloggers write if Mex goes to the trouble to give us the information.Feel sure you will help Mex many thanks.You wouldn't think anyone could be so wicked to kill these lovely birds especially when you see people not all that interested in Eagles really thrilled when they get a good view of them.
Hello Debby-touring scotland in our motorhome, on Harris in the rain at the moment (Friday), rung up today to book a visit to the hide on Wednesday 5th Aug, look forward to seeing you in the morning. Will Dave be back then ?
Managing to get a signal on computer some days and was appalled to read today about Alma who Iv'e been checking on now and again, very sad.
Fantastic seeing the osprey family at LG and pleased Heather is doing well (quick learner/a girl what do you expect) and half-pint. Look forward to hearing in a few weeks how many male and female sea eagel chicks have flegged on Mull.
Visited the Aros centre near Portree on Skye and they only have 3 chicks on the island this year but more golden eagels, they were dissapointed about the sea eagel chicks as the weather had been bad again. As I came out of the centre a family with 2 of the chicks a boy, and girl had their nests in the cliffs on the headland opposite, as we got into our motor home two were seen flying above the headland, as soon as I got my binoculars out they went, exciting though. See u soon. Jillian.
If anyone had any doubts about the value of satellite tracking the death of Alma must surely make them think again. Let us hope that the data from the Tag may pinpoint the location of a carcase, assuming it was such, and thus add significantly to the evidence required to bring the offender(s) to justice. I like Mex's idea of confiscating the Estate !!. That might concentrate a few minds.
Birdies LG DU update.
The Guardian yesterday revealed details about the grouse moor manager. See www.guardian.co.uk/.../conservation-scotland It also had a beautiful photo of a golden eagle - on Mull. Think how far Breagha flew in one day from Fort William to Mull (over 60 miles). Remember how White G at a year old flew from Mull to Angus and was poisoned there, too. Look at the title of Debby's blog here - and just think about it. Forgive me if you feel that this is NOT for this one little person to try to take further, whether here or in the world of politics, but PLEASE, ALL OF YOU, HELP TO STOP THESE BEAUTIFUL BIRDS FROM DYING SUCH GHASTLY DEATHS - DO WHAT YOU CAN. EVERYONE! You CAN help. Please.