(And I don't just mean the return of Brucie tonight)

Today dawned much like yesterday but by early afternoon, things had started to improve. Slowly but surely, in from the west came some blue sky. The rain ceased, the waters of Salen bay were still and mirror-like and the sun eased out from behind the clouds. At last!

I think the landrover is on auto-pilot at the moment. I headed straight for the north shore of Loch Frisa, up to the highest point in the track and stopped to scan the opposite shore of the loch. Low whispy clouds were clearing from the glen, spider webs covered every available piece of vegetation and there was Frisa sitting on a grassy knoll. She looked superb - her heraldic pose with wings stretched out in the sun was breathtaking.

A scan to the north and there was Mara soaring over the standing stones, his favourite area. He had 5 kestrels, 2 ravens, 3 hoodie crows and 4 buzzards for company but they gave him little trouble. I think they were all just relieved to be soaring in the sunshine. I sat and scanned, hoping Breagha might join them but no luck. Surely she was okay. As many of you pointed out, Frisa had only given her the eagle equivalent of a cuff round the ears. But the fact was, I couldn't find her.

As I concentrated on Mara, he eventually broke away from his flock of admirers and drifted purposefully to the south. I followed his line of flight and then I saw where he was headed. There was Breagha gaining height over the mound where she'd received her severe reprimand. Brother and sister soared together for a good 20 minutes, occasionally stooping on each other and then eventually drifting apart. They seem to be spending a little less time together now. When once they would follow each other all day, they are now more confident to be alone and to do their own thing. If anything it's Breagha who tags along with her little brother but he usually can't wait to get away. Below them, Frisa watched her offspring high above, clearly  gaining in confidence by the day. The disagreements of recent days were long forgotten. Skye, I imagine, was off hunting, leaving Frisa back at home to keep an eye on things.

As Mara went one way and Breagha went the other, I wondered how often their paths would cross in the years to come and if there would be even the slightest hint of recognition if they met up again? But at the current rate, Mara will not be able to shake off his big sis. With Mara leading the way on any journey from Mull, Breagha will probably not be too far behind. Perhaps it's a good thing if they keep an eye on each other, for the time being at least.

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

2203 hrs



Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • Hi Wee Jeanie, Yes, ankle sore but better, and Blackbird back in his rightful place as King on the bird table and was shouting for raisons this morning..!!

    As for the guest, they have departed. They probably did think I shot it myself !! I could have shot them by the end of their stay !! Only joking, each to his own...They had trouble finding vegan food to eat in the resteraunts too...ended up buying food in Tesco...Hi Ho... Didn't eat Fish or Eggs or cheese or much at all as far as I could see..YET, were off to see the Eagles in the Findhorn valley, that get there meaty prey and tear it apart ????


  • BarbaraAnne - well, they say things happen in threes! Did your guests think you shot and mounted the stag yourself??? Hope your ankle and the blackbird's head are soon better.
  • Thanks, Dave - lovely to know all is well! How I wish I could witness these wonderful scenes myself. You're a lucky man!
  • Hi Dave, I told you she would be O.K....us Mums know about these Mum and daughter Hic Ups....!!

    While you were happily sitting in Mull looking at the eagles in the sunshine I had a horendous day !! Started off with three vegan guests complaining about my beautiful Stags Head on the Dining room wall !! Dahhh

    Then I slipped down two steps on the stairs and sprained my ankle ! THEN.....my tame Blackbird flew straight off the bird table into my window and I spent the whole morning nursing his sore head and my ankle...both are now on the mend if a little rattled...and now I have just finished writing a long report that I should have done days ago !!!!

    BUT, I had to find out if Breagha was O.k. before nodding off..

    You should have been here to rescue me!!!! How is the wee dog by the way??

    Have also been checking up on the American Ospreys who were all migrating down the coast from the Hamptons etc via Florida/Cuba and on to Venezuala, some of them...Not good news as many of them got caught up in the two Hurricanes...

    and we think we have problems !!!

    Take care..........

  • Thank you Dave for update , here am I sat in front of my computer waiting for news and praying it would be good , now I can go to bed and sleep . Goodness how you must feel . Really great news I guess you will now sleep happy Take care all xx Till tomorrow - wonder what next story will be .
