Spring has sprung on the beautiful isle of Mull with primroses and colts-foot flowering in the warm sunshine of the last couple of days.  Frogspawn is developing in the ponds and small birds are singing: our local wren has been calling from dawn 'til dusk, only out-competed by  the repetitive call of a male song thrush singing its heart out from the top of a spruce tree.  A pair of great tits has already occupied one of the nestboxes and are defending it from all-comers.  

2014 is going to be an exciting year for Mull Eagle Watch with new features including digi-scoping and webcam, and a new Forestry Commission Ranger.  Less than 2 weeks to go until the trips begin on Monday 31st March.  Iona and Fingal are all set for egg-laying, so let's hope they have a successful incubation and manage to raise 2 chicks as they did in 2012.  Trips take place at 10am and 1pm each weekday.  To book ring 01680 812 556.

John Clare.  RSPB Community Information & Tourism Officer, isle of Mull

  • Oh to be on Mull now that spring is here (or at any other time of the year), beautiful place, wonderful memories of holidays spent there.  Best wishes for the new season.

    Regards to all like-minded people who enjoy and care for our wildlife.