We now have a live webcam up and running on one of the white-tailed eagle nests on the Isle of Mull: http://scotland.forestry.gov.uk/visit/mull/mull-eagle-watch . This is the nest of ‘Sula’ and ‘Cuin’ a pair comprising a Mull-fledged bird and one of the Norwegian birds that was reintroduced to the East coast of Scotland. This pair have been featured regularly on BBC Springwatch this year along with some of the our otters and other wildlife.

Our Mull Eagle Watch white-tailed eagle chick is 5 weeks old this week and its parents, Iona and Fingal, have been doing a great job of rearing it: regularly bringing prey to the nest in the form of sea fish, birds, rabbits and hares. Greylag geese numbers on Mull have increased enormously in recent years and now their goslings feature high on the white-tailed eagle menu.
Ringing (the fitting of a BTO leg-ring and another colour-coded leg-ring) has been carried out this week with two climbers scaling the dizzy heights of a large spruce tree to reach the nest.

Our pair have also been forced to defend their nest and the area around it from other birds of prey (especially a pair of buzzards that have been nesting close by) and corvids: ravens and hooded crows. These birds don’t appear to be interested in the chick particularly (although they could certainly injure or kill it), but seem intent on trying to steal some of the prey remains that litter the edge of the nest. This has all lead to some spectacular views of aerial battles, soaring eagles and dramatic flights of our adult birds carrying prey too and from the nest.

Visitors to Mull Eagle Watch have also been delighted with other fascinating sightings, including regular views of a non-breeding pair of golden eagles, the antics of siskins, coal tits, chaffinches and other birds on the feeders, and a wide range of invertebrates appearing close to the hide with such notable species as marsh fritillary butterfly, red-necked footman moth and gold-ringed dragonfly.

John Clare – Community Information & Tourism Officer