It's late so just a quickie. As you'll continue to see from the weather forecasts, there is no let up in the current autumnal onslaught from the Atlantic. To say we're concerned would be an understatement. But it's raw, wild nature and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. The good news - and we're mightily relieved about this - is that Frisa and Skye's nest is still there. Tonight at 7.30pm they were both out and flying in the brief 30 minutes of dry blustery conditions. They looked so dark, almost black with the wet but as the wind blew, you could see their drier plumage returning. Skye again perched with wings out. Ravens and hoodies gave him no peace and mobbed him relentlessly. Frisa did what she did two nights ago and soon flew back in to feed on the nest. Still only one chick confirmed but still the conditions were far from ideal with the telescope shaking in the wind. To be frank, if we still have one chick surviving after this monsoon, Frisa and Skye will have done well. We remain optimistic. Until it all calms down, which surely it must soon, these glimpses of life at the nest mean only one thing. There is still an active nest and that's the main concern right now. The chick we saw looked strong and active. And it couldn't have better parents. More tomorrow. Time for bed.

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • Hi Dave yes the weather looks awful for your area.Thanks for the update and all birds seem resilient so hope for good news.Skye and Frisa must be wonderful parents to have reared so many youngsters but it must be difficult to keep your spirits up at such a difficult time.Good luck and best wishes for a happy outcome for you.
  • Hi Dave yes the weather looks awful for your area.Thanks for the update and all birds seem resilient so hope for good news.Skye and Frisa must be wonderful parents to have reared so many youngsters but it must be difficult to keep your spirits up at such a difficult time.Good luck and best wishes for a happy outcome for you.
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