Saturday 30/08/08 2136

Just a brief update tonight...Chris reports both chicks visible earlier today back in their familiar old haunts on the south side of the loch. Frisa & Skye nearby. So all is well. But a surprise visitor to interest all you Loch Garten fans out there - and very late for this part of the world: an osprey! We do get occasional birds in spring and summer but they're usually long gone by now. I wonder where it's from and why it's so late in leaving considering how far the Garten chicks have already travelled? It would be nice to think it might be Logie (see the Highland Foundation for Wildlife web site) as she has so far vanished from the radar having started her migration south. It's such a perilous time for all young birds - and even some adults. For now Frisa and Skye can bask in the satisfaction of having reared two healthy young chicks who luckily don't have to face the dangers of migration. But soon they will wander further afield and the threats here at home can be very bit as dangerous - as recently experienced by one of this year's chicks from another nest which found itself in very unfamiliar surroundings . More of that saga tomorrow.

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

ps. for those who followed the rescue of Bonnie in an earlier post "It's a dog's life" will be pleased to know she's recovered well, hasn't stopped eating and is now much cleaner...until the next time.

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • I hope we will get photographs of your chicks like we have got of the Loch Garten ospreys, I am sitting here just visualising what your book would look like with photos of the birds and of course Bonnie would have to feature in it too so come on we all want a book. I have only been on Mull a couple of times quite some time ago but we have already made plans to visit next year,I like Wild Freckle thinking about Christmas, my son has agreed instead of a wrapped gift he will take me to Mull to see the Sea Eagles
  • I hope we will get photographs of your chicks like we have got of the Loch Garten ospreys, I am sitting here just visualising what your book would look like with photos of the birds and of course Bonnie would have to feature in it too so come on we all want a book. I have only been on Mull a couple of times quite some time ago but we have already made plans to visit next year,I like Wild Freckle thinking about Christmas, my son has agreed instead of a wrapped gift he will take me to Mull to see the Sea Eagles
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