Monday 18 August Loch Frisa 1000-1600

An astonishing 84 people attended the hide today during the 'drop-in' session from 10am to 1pm. Just about everyone saw Frisa perched and flying. But she seemed to keep disappearing back over the ridge and down into Glen Aros, frustratingly just out of sight. So after the session had finished, I drove round and sure enough there were Frisa and Mara feeding on a carcase not too far from the road. Breagha was a little way off perched on her own - hopefully already having had her fill. Skye was then seen back in his favourite larches near the hide. Mara was feeding himself well from the carcase and had about 30 ravens over for dinner too. Quite a feeding frenzy. Sometimes Frisa would move in for a feed but always gave way for Mara. Eventually he flew off and perched for a while before Frisa brought him a 'carry-out' and they both sat a few yards apart, Frisa preening and Mara feeding and making his incessant food begging call which is audible a long way off. We left them to it, happy in the knowledge that they were all well today.

 Dave Sexton RSPB Mull Officer

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

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