courtesy Belinda Carlisle


Fingal and Iona's chicks are now coming up to 8 weeks old - where has the time gone?  They have been fitted with their snazzy leg rings - so they now have a unique number.  Let's hope no-one ever has to ring the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) phone number that is printed on the leg ring, in case found.  This week, the pupils from Bunessan Primary School are visiting the hide and they have the very important task of naming the chicks.   Watch this space!


Fingal & Iona's chicks at leg ringing - photo Justin Grant




Chicks at ringing time - carried out under special license

photo courtesy Justin Grant










The chicks will leave the nest (fledge) between 10 and 12 weeks at which time they will come down on to the lower branches eventually to the ground where Fingal and Iona will continue to feed them. After a week a so, the chicks will start to take short flights, following their parents, learning the finer skills of flying and very importantly, landing!  Trips to the hide are proving very popular so to avoid disappointment, make sure you call to reserve a space on 01680 812556.

Last week, I joined the crew of Sealife Surveys on board Sula Beag for their 7 hour whale watch trip to spot seabirds.  As you may have heard, Mull has been experiencing almost tropical weather with wall to wall blue sky and sunshine.  I expected this to break the day we were due to go out but incredibly I awoke to see the Sound of Mull like a sheet of glass and the sky blue from start to finish.  But knowing how quickly things can change, especially out at sea, I took all the waterproofs, extra jumpers and tempting fate, the suncream.  I was welcomed aboard by Popz and his trusty companion Millie (the sea dog of course!) and Ewan our guide.  We had hardly got out of the bay, when 6 gannets flew past in perfect formation.  The gannets that come and feed from the waters around Mull come from one of the colonies as far out as St Kilda.  I could stand for hours watching gannets as they dive like daggers through the sea to catch fish.


Immature Gannets in flight Andy Hay ( Gannets in flight

Andy Hay (











Soon we were spotting harbour porpoises - as the sea was so flat calm they were very easy to see.  I started scanning the rocks and crags along the coast and, as if like a magnet, there it was - an adult white tailed eagle - basking in the sunshine, a magnificent sight.  Further out to sea we spotted puffins, guillemots, razorbills, manx shearwaters, common gulls, fulmars, arctic terns, and shags.


Guillemots - Photo Debby Thorne




Bridled Guillemot

Photo Debby Thorne










As we got further out to sea, Ewan shouted "dolphins" - and we could see in the distance, splashing and activity on the water ahead.  As we got closer an excited Popz came up to tell us that they werent just bottlenose or common dolphins but white beaked dolphins.  In 30 years, he had never come across this particular species in the waters around Mull.  The engines on the boat were turned off and gradully the dolphins came closer to the boat - we hardly dare breath.  It was as if time stood still as we all watched in awe at these gentle, serene creatures as they swam around and under the boat.  A very special moment I will never forget.


white beaked dolphins - photo Debby Thorne





white beaked dolphins -

photo Debby Thorne






 White beaked dolphin - photo Debby Thorne


As we turned to leave, they joined us for a while bow riding - just magical.  We ventured on and arrived at the stunning Cairns of Coll - small rocky islands whose only inhabitants are seals, terns, fulmars, pipits and shags.  It was like a scene from the Caribbean - turquoise sea and white sand - I had to pinch myself to remember that I was in Scotland.  If Heaven exists, then it was surely that moment in that place.  After lunch, we all agreed to venture further out to sea as the conditions were just incredible - it wasnt long before we were watching a minke whale working the tide line.  As one dived, we all waited for it to surface in front of the boat only to hear a huge splash behind us as we all missed one taking a deep dive to fish deeper down in the sea.  We had 3 minke whales (or stinky minke as they are known locally). As we reluctantly headed back towards home, we were rewarded with the amazing sight of a golden eagle, circling along the cliffs, always magical to watch as it caught a thermal and rose ever higher into the clear blue sky.  Close by, a couple of gannets were diving into the sea and surfacing with a large fish.  I was amazed at the number of gannets we saw that day - hopefully a sign they are doing well in this part of the World.

All too soon, the trip had ended - I arrived back to dry land, with a grin from ear to ear - it was an amazing day out - thanks to Popz and Ewan from Sealife Surveys (based in Tobermory) for an unforgettable day out - keep up the good work.


Debby Thorne

White Tailed Eagle Information Officer

Isle of Mull








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