Today at Loch Frisa, as we all prepare ourselves for the inevitable, an eagle's head in the clouds is pretty much all that's been visible. The dreich weather continued to cast a gloomy blanket over the forest and loch. And over the eagle's nest . As the rain fell, the soggy head and beak of Frisa (or was it Skye?) was just about visible above the rim of the nest. Sometimes the head shook, sending a small shower of droplets into the air. Sometimes the incubating bird stood for a minute or two, looked forlornly into the nest cup and shook hard, sending a bigger shower of droplets into the air.

Then there was a wing stretch or a squirt of relief over the side of the nest. And you just knew that bird had been there for far too long. The other was sat in the loch-side tree. No intention of moving. The last changeover was at 11.30am. It was now 5.30pm. And then the cloud descended completely and the nest and the eagles vanished from view. In some ways it was a relief not to watch.

Since Day 1, the team of volunteer eagle watchers from the local community and visitors who have helped out, have kept a daily log. A minute by minute record of Frisa and Skye's behaviour, change-overs and events. While the cloud was down, I re-read it all again to see if there were any clues to explain what was transpiring now. There were none. It had all been a very normal, routine incubation. A week is a long time in Nature. Just last Sunday, we were 'phoning round everyone with the good news of a likely hatch. Today I read a brief entry in the log from one of the watchers this morning which I'll let you see now. It kind of sums it all up.


"This is the saddest watch I've done. All around there are signs of new life and then I look at a magnificent bird sitting resolutely on a failed egg. Does she sense that all the time and effort spent this year will come to nothing? Or does she still hope? Frisa and Skye, you have my sympathy - but more than that - you have my profound respect"

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • Not commented for ages as I only tend to check-in when I'm at work so don't get much of a chance these days although I always read the updates and fellow bloggers comments for the latest news.

    So sad to hear that Skye and Frisa haven't been so lucky this year :-( they are such devoted parents when they do have offspring.  Like others have said hope that the other eagles on the island are successful.

    Has anymore been heard of Venus and her where abouts?

    Going to Mull next Friday for the Mull and Iona wildlife week.........booked up for a whale watching trip on the saturday, so hopefully there will be plenty to see.  More importantly we've booked up on the Monday to come and visit the hide, visited a few years ago and the weather wasn't very good so I'm hoping it's better this time round, also hope to meet either Debby or Dave on the day :-)

    Until next week, take care watching over our precious eagles and eaglets, see you soon

  • Not commented for ages as I only tend to check-in when I'm at work so don't get much of a chance these days although I always read the updates and fellow bloggers comments for the latest news.

    So sad to hear that Skye and Frisa haven't been so lucky this year :-( they are such devoted parents when they do have offspring.  Like others have said hope that the other eagles on the island are successful.

    Has anymore been heard of Venus and her where abouts?

    Going to Mull next Friday for the Mull and Iona wildlife week.........booked up for a whale watching trip on the saturday, so hopefully there will be plenty to see.  More importantly we've booked up on the Monday to come and visit the hide, visited a few years ago and the weather wasn't very good so I'm hoping it's better this time round, also hope to meet either Debby or Dave on the day :-)

    Until next week, take care watching over our precious eagles and eaglets, see you soon

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