Wow!  What a day it has been.  The weather has changed, again!  Warm and sunny with just enough  breeze to keep any midges away.  As I arrived at the Hide this morning, I was greeted by Skye and Frisa have a fly around together, enjoying each other's company with just a bit less stress now that Heather is doing so well by herself.  They still keep an eye on her but she is getting ever more adventurous, flying higher and just a bit further. 

I was halfway through the talk this morning, when we spotted something flying - two golden eagles - we stood for about 10 minutes just watching them soaring when we spotted another - this time a juvenile goldie.  They gave a great display when Heather, our chick was seen flying over the Loch towards the Ridge - lots of oos and aaahs - she really is stunning.  I wish I could capture a close up shot of her for you but take it from me, really dark chocolate brown and huge!  Like most birds of preys, the female is larger than the male, so she is bigger than her dad!! 

We then had a great view of Skye and Frisa again, keeping a close eye on their youngster when a young lad who was visiting, and was keen as mustard, spotted another eagle - this time another juvenile white tailed sea eagle, not quite the full white tail but a lighter coloured head - too high up though for us to see any wing tags to try and identify it.  Certainly a fantastic morning's viewings.

This afternoon, I decided to have another go at checking out Half Pint and his sibling.  Dave's scope is still drying out in the airing cupboard (hope it recovers by the weekend when he returns!) but with the weather still warm and sunny, thought I would have a better chance at seeing and indeed hearing our chicks.  I hadnt gone five minutes from the van, when I spotted one of the adults flying in carrying a seabird.  What a great start.  The adults will bring food to the young if they are on the ground or on lower branches so makes it easier for us trying to locate the chicks. 

As I moved into position, my ears were filled with what is so recognisable as sea eagle chicks calling - they were going mad - and the reason, the other adult appeared carrying a fish.  The chicks spot the parents coming in and call with excitement - this also allows the parents to spot the chicks as they move around either on the ground or in the trees  After about 20 minutes, I decided to leave our little family.  Everything had gone quiet.  Mum and Dad were sat close together in a tree, like an old married couple - both chicks had been fed and were quiet.  All is well with the World!  A great end to the day.

As I type this, I am looking out the window across the Mainland at the Morvern Hills - our latest satellite tracking of Mara and Breagha show Mara just over the water from Mull in Morvern - he feels like he is in touching distance.  Breagha is up north on the west coast, a fair way from home!  Keep safe.

Debby Thorne - White Tailed Eagle Information Officer, Isle of Mull

  • Thank you for your comments Debby/Gary/Mike.

    Is Dave back at work now and did he go anywhere nice on holliday or did he stay on the Costa Mull?

    Withdrawel symptons from Mull so watched Gordons Eagel Island DVD twice yeaterday when ironing and was able to spot many places I recognised now. Lovely views of Loch Frisa and Frisa and Skye. If you havn't got this DVD it is well worth it (Bought throught Amazon), the scenery, wildlife, lighting and music are fantastic.

    I spent 3 days on Mull and we explored all the A and B roads on the island which mainly were one track with passing places, in a motorhome it was a bit of a squash and several times on cliff edges, I shut my eyes, good job I wasnt the one driving. Reminded me of the Swiss roads but half the width.

    If you havn't been I would definatly recommend it, Tobormoray was sweet and I had to buy some Ballormoray sweets from the shop and have my photo taken with the coloured houses so I can show my playgroup children that I have been to Ballormoray.

    I also visted Iona and comming back along the coast had fantastic (Sunny and warm) views of many islands including Staffa (Fingles cave) which I had been interested in since I was 15 when we studied the overture that Mendlessohn had written when he visited the island many many years ago, unformtunatly I was not brave enough to go out in a small boat to vist it as the sea is so unpredictable and can change at any minute.

    In Gordons DVD he see otters/seals/sharks/a whale. unfortunatly I didn't see any of those and was sure of seeing an otter in the sea weed or just off shore on one of the many sea lochs but no I had to see two otters at Obans sea Life Sanctuary and even they were hiding inside under a heat lamp lying on their backs so only had a quick view. Also saw 2 seals there, fortunatly 20 years ago I did see a colonay on a small island near Fort William.

    When travelling on the Ross of Mull along the edge of a Loch towards Iona I spotted a brown, large bird which had a white mark at each end of its wing, I have looked in my bird book at home and wonder if it is a bird I have never heard of called a great skua? I noted that Debby also saw one last weekend so it might be possible.

    On the same stretch of road but across the loch I also saw I think 2 eagels, one flying above the mountain and the other flying low above the  loch fishing. Unfortunatly due to the very few parking/stopping spaces on Mull and the fact that in the small space we could have stopped quickly there was a mini-bus with people looking through scopes on a wildlife tour, I was not able to have a better look or get my binoculars out, very dissapointing.

    I did see many beautiful heron standing fishing at the edge of Lochs or flying low across them.

    More on my thoughts on other islands I visited at another time.

    I bet Debby and Dave are pleased they work with the non-migrating eagels as at Loch Garten number 1 osprey chick started her migration early and unusually before mum had left, we are now in for a nail-biting time as we track her and the other 4 leave, all very sad for us and the team as we don't know what will happen to them all.

    I know the team at Mull will wish them a successful migtration and hope that mum and the same dad return safely next March/April.

    JILLIAN, sorry if Ive bored anyone.

  • Thank you for your comments Debby/Gary/Mike.

    Is Dave back at work now and did he go anywhere nice on holliday or did he stay on the Costa Mull?

    Withdrawel symptons from Mull so watched Gordons Eagel Island DVD twice yeaterday when ironing and was able to spot many places I recognised now. Lovely views of Loch Frisa and Frisa and Skye. If you havn't got this DVD it is well worth it (Bought throught Amazon), the scenery, wildlife, lighting and music are fantastic.

    I spent 3 days on Mull and we explored all the A and B roads on the island which mainly were one track with passing places, in a motorhome it was a bit of a squash and several times on cliff edges, I shut my eyes, good job I wasnt the one driving. Reminded me of the Swiss roads but half the width.

    If you havn't been I would definatly recommend it, Tobormoray was sweet and I had to buy some Ballormoray sweets from the shop and have my photo taken with the coloured houses so I can show my playgroup children that I have been to Ballormoray.

    I also visted Iona and comming back along the coast had fantastic (Sunny and warm) views of many islands including Staffa (Fingles cave) which I had been interested in since I was 15 when we studied the overture that Mendlessohn had written when he visited the island many many years ago, unformtunatly I was not brave enough to go out in a small boat to vist it as the sea is so unpredictable and can change at any minute.

    In Gordons DVD he see otters/seals/sharks/a whale. unfortunatly I didn't see any of those and was sure of seeing an otter in the sea weed or just off shore on one of the many sea lochs but no I had to see two otters at Obans sea Life Sanctuary and even they were hiding inside under a heat lamp lying on their backs so only had a quick view. Also saw 2 seals there, fortunatly 20 years ago I did see a colonay on a small island near Fort William.

    When travelling on the Ross of Mull along the edge of a Loch towards Iona I spotted a brown, large bird which had a white mark at each end of its wing, I have looked in my bird book at home and wonder if it is a bird I have never heard of called a great skua? I noted that Debby also saw one last weekend so it might be possible.

    On the same stretch of road but across the loch I also saw I think 2 eagels, one flying above the mountain and the other flying low above the  loch fishing. Unfortunatly due to the very few parking/stopping spaces on Mull and the fact that in the small space we could have stopped quickly there was a mini-bus with people looking through scopes on a wildlife tour, I was not able to have a better look or get my binoculars out, very dissapointing.

    I did see many beautiful heron standing fishing at the edge of Lochs or flying low across them.

    More on my thoughts on other islands I visited at another time.

    I bet Debby and Dave are pleased they work with the non-migrating eagels as at Loch Garten number 1 osprey chick started her migration early and unusually before mum had left, we are now in for a nail-biting time as we track her and the other 4 leave, all very sad for us and the team as we don't know what will happen to them all.

    I know the team at Mull will wish them a successful migtration and hope that mum and the same dad return safely next March/April.

    JILLIAN, sorry if Ive bored anyone.

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