Well for those of you who follow us on Twitter, @skyeandfrisa - you will have seen that something went on at Loch Frisa this afternoon.

Well to be honest, it really started yesterday.  As you may have seen on the weather forecasts, we have been experiencing some really blustery, showery weather, in between bouts of blue sky and sunshine.  This is great weather for birds of prey - they love to come out in between the showers, to dry off their feathers and also to look for food.  The eagle youngsters also love to show off practising their new flying displays, playing tag, diving and soaring with buzzards and kestrels, hooded crows and ravens all joining in.

Yesterday, we were watching a sparrowhawk divebombing a hooded crow - it was relentless.  The crow kept trying to land on a branch but the sparrowhawk chased it off - then the crow would turn on the sparrowhawk and the tables were turned - this went on for about ten minutes when we became aware of  2 large birds heading towards the hide.  We just managed to shout "Eagles!" as we all dashed outside.  And there was one of our adults, chasing another white-tailed eagle - at one point they threw their talons up to each other in a challenge - it was hard to see which of our adults it was as it all happened so fast. 

Just as either Skye or Frisa was chasing the other white-tailed eagle, our 2nd adult appeared as if to provide an escort,  They all disappeared over the trees.  We just held our breath and scanned the skyline.  After what seemed like hours, but was probably only 10 minutes, one of our adults appeared back over the horizon, drifting along the tops of the trees.  We waited for our 2nd adult to return and it seemed forever but eventually we were relieved to see both Skye and Frisa back over the loch. 

This afternoon, we drove straight down to the hide as it was quite showery.  I stopped at the top of the hill to scan around the glen and noticed a large group of ravens on the skyline performing some stunning acrobatics.  We arrived at the hide and it wasn't long before we spotted one of our adults above the tree line, shortly followed by a second eagle, and then a third! So we had Skye and Frisa and an intruder!  I could see from the markings of the 3rd eagle, it wasn't quite mature but not far off - was it coming in to challenge Skye or Frisa? The intruder circled above the larches, shadowed by Skye and Frisa, then suddenly Skye made for the intruder, talons went up, then broke away, circling each other, lots of calling too - I could just imagine what Skye was saying "If I were you I would get out now or else ....."  Then Skye chased the intruder along the tops of the trees, followed closely by Frisa.  The buzzards were out too - at least 6 of them diving and soaring, hanging in the wind when they could. 

Then we caught sight of another larger bird - a goldie! Now the buzzards looked tiny. A second goldie then drifted up to circle with the others, the sky was full of ravens - food!  That was it - there must be a carcass up on the hillside bringing in the ravens and the eagles.  And to confirm it, just to make it complete, a juvenile goldie joined in.  The intruder appeared again, obviously looking for an easy meal but Skye and Frisa were having none of it.  They kept chasing it out, meanwhile the goldies held court. 

Skye and Frisa then flew across the loch and landed on the far shore - probably just catching their breath.  Skye then came back and landed in the field next to the hide where we watched him taking a well earned drink from the loch.  An amazing close encounter with our eagles.  The goldies were still hanging around, showing they weren't to be messed with as the young goldie just hung back a little, watching this incredible scene. 

Several times I tried to leave the hide to head home, each time I thought it had all settled down, the eagles would appear again and I would have to stay and watching the interaction - the eagles, both golden and white-tails, buzzards, ravens and crows - it was hard to know just where to look.  Finally, it did go quiet - I was reluctant to leave but knew I would be missed as it was getting late.  Who knows what went on after I left - will we have a repeat tomorrow?  I hope so.

Finally made it home, tea unfortunately didn't survive so the dogs benefitted - but believe me it was worth it.

Until the next adventure...

Debby Thorne

White-tailed eagle Information Officer, Mull



  • Debby what a wondeful blog almost felt i was there watching with you.  No wonder you were loathe to leave all that action but I am sure the dog welcomed your meal.


  • Hi Debby, It was so nice meeting you this week, but we obviously picked the wrong day to see most of the action, which sounds wonderful, and we did have some very good views while with you.  We did see a brilliant flying display on our last day on Mull, all four WTEs up at the same time where we were staying but, while watching them, we missed the only otter to show up anywhere near us in the whole fortnight we were there, spotted by others in the group.  It just goes to prove, you daren't turn your back on wildlife for one moment.  Thanks for making our visit to the hide so interesting, and I hope the weather has calmed down a little now.  Best wishes to all on Mull from the sunny? south of England.

    Regards to all like-minded people who enjoy and care for our wildlife.

  • Hi Nick - glad you saw your first white tailed eagle at Loch Frisa - you just never know what wildlife is going to do! Bit like our weather. Glad you enjoyed the trip.  Thanks for birthday wishes - had a great day which of course consisted of some eagle spotting! cheers

  • Debby, I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed meeting you yesterday - weather-wise, it was none too clever as we arrived at the hide, and in spite of the no-show from the eagles, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and was fascinated to hear some of the background to Skye & Frisa's story, many thanks!

    It was such a surprise, and a huge bonus when one of the birds did appear as we spoke outside, and I left feeling extremely pleased at my very first sight of such a magnificent bird! I also felt a little smug that everyone else had left, so missing out - that is of course, until I received a text later in the afternoon, to say that I too, had missed out on the afternoon's showing!! Typical, and in keeping (as Ann will tell you) with my track record of missing out on the action!!

    It certainly didnt detract from my delight at seeing my first WTE, oh, and another text in the early hours, from the same "little bird" tells me it's your birthday today!! Have a great one Debby!!

    Thanks again,


  • Dear Debby

    I just sent you a long message full of questions about photography opportunities at Loch Frisa. If you didn't get it would you mind posting on here so I can resend it to you?

    Many thanks,
