Well - if anyone of you were driving home from work this evening listening to Drivetime with Simon Mayo on Radio 2, you will have heard Dave talking about eagles! Yesterday's guest on the show was Glenn Frey from the band The Eagles (our favourite group of course!) - so this evening Simon wanted to go one step further and talk about the feathered variety.  If you missed it, here is a link to it - if you fast forward to 19.30 you can pick it up at the start.  Radio 2 - Simon Mayo Drivetime


As many of you will recall, the BBC Springwatch team came to Mull and spent a wonderful few days filming basking sharks, goats and white tailed eagles.  If you missed it, here is a link to the clip where you can get a sneak preview of the viewing area of Mull Eagle Watch at Glen Seilisdeir. 



Dave was also invited to write a guest blog for the Springwatch website - here is the link BBC Nature - Mull Sea Eagles - The Young Generation


Dont forget to book your trip to Mull Eagle Watch - the chicks are 8 weeks old today and are doing really well. Trips are proving very popular so make sure you book ahead.  Please call the Visitor Information Centre in Craignure on 01680 812556.

Keep up to date on Twitter - @skyeandfrisa

and Facebook - Mull Sea Eagles


Until next time,


Debby Thorne

White Tailed Eagle Information Officer

Isle of Mull









  • BRG Thank you for your kind words. We're glad you've had some wonderful holidays here and hope you can now stay in touch with Mull and the eagles via this blog. It's a great help to know there is support out there for our work and in particular for the eagles - both golden and white-tailed. A farmer in NE Scotland was quoted in the Press & Journal today saying "Ideally I would like to be able to shoot the eagles..." referring to her claim that golden eagles have allegedly killed 180 lambs this spring. Another 'custodian of the countryside' on the west coast recently stated in The Scottish Farmer that, if he could, he'd really like to get rid of the lot of them! Thankfully their words are not representitive of most reasonable land managers, many of whom do so much for Scotland's wildlife including eagles as witnessed by entrants to the RSPB's annual 'Nature of Farming Awards'. This is 2012, not 1912. Public money funds agricultural subsidies and the public want to see eagles thriving in our landsape. In 21st Century Scotland, we should all be seeking ways to live with eagles, not seeking ways to kill them.

    Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • I have just read the three latest blogs plus Dave's  "The Young Generation", and must confess to a tear or two in the eye.  Having experienced watching these beautiful birds over the last few years on many occasions, I can understand, I think, how attached he and Debby are to them.  My tears are probably because I know that these blogs are the only way I will see them in future, having taken the decision that Mull is now just a step too far for us to travel at our age.  Many thanks to all  at Mull eagle hide and all over the island, including the wildlife, for some wonderful holidays with such  lasting memories.  We may not be with you in body, but we will be in spirit.

    Regards to all like-minded people who enjoy and care for our wildlife.