The title of that old McFadden and Whitehead 70's classic seemed very apt today and the words weren't far off the mark either. If you don't know the tune, go on to YouTube and search for it, it'll bring it all back - a blast from the past! The words just summed it up for Mara and Breagha today. There really was no stopping them now.

In warm, sometimes hot sunshine, the pair of them were up and soaring above Crannich. Higher and higher, sometimes drifting apart then back together. They were loving it!  At times, with the back drop of Ben More I thought this is it, they're going to go. They really are on the move.

And then, the best sign yet that they are growing up, gaining in confidence and will soon be on their way. Mara was being shadowed by a raven, every turn, every which way, the raven was on his tail. But suddenly with the flip of a wing, Mara turned the table on the raven and this time it was Mara chasing the big, pestering corvid. The raven wasn't expecting this. It lasted only a few seconds before they went their separate ways but it showed the first signs that the hunted could and would soon become the hunter. We do find raven and crow in sea eagle nests as prey. One day soon, Mara would prove who was really in charge of the skies and the ravens would think twice from now on before annoying him. As I drove back along the track feeling excited for the chicks about what adventures lay ahead for them, what should come on Radio 2? I turned up the volume at full blast and headed for home - go on have a listen!

"There've been so many things that have held us down. But now it looks like things are finally comin' around. I know we've got a long, long way to go. And where we'll end up, I don't know. But we won't let nothing hold us back. We gonna get ourselves together. We gonna polish up our act. And if you've ever been held down before, I know that you refuse to be held down anymore. Don't you let nothing, nothing, nothing stand in your way. And all we gonna do. I want you to listen, listen that's right. To every word I say. Every word I say about it. Ain't no stoppin' us now. We're on the move!"

Normal service will be resumed...

Dave Sexton RSPB Scotland Mull Officer


Dave Sexton, RSPB Scotland Mull Officer

  • I'm still chuckling - on my way to work Terry Wogan played that same tune after the 9.00 news - I nearly went down a ditch - had he read your blog or was there some other psychic phenomenon going on! But I listened to it with Mara and Breagha in mind and it seemed to have been written just for them. Went out for a trip round to Ulva Ferry and spotted pair of sea eagles round at Killiechronan looking majestic as ever in the the early evening sunshine - just beautiful
  • Dave I read your blogs every day, they really are a must for me.  Some of the stories you tell  make me sad to the p0int of tears but more often than not always bring a smile.  Today was a day for smiles with the news of Mara and Breagha who seem to be gaining in confidence and it must have been a wonderful sight for you.


  • Thank you again Dave sounds like you have had a spot of good weather up your way . Just right for eagles to play in !!! I can just see you doing your disco dancing to McFadden and Whitehead - you are a man with taste . Next story ......


  • More wonderful blogs Dave, I too look forward to reading them. Now you've mentioned it you're going to have to tell the story of that first chick's flight!

    Nice to hear how well Mara and Breagha are doing, they've obviously got good genes.

    Do you plan your stories in advance or just sit there and let it flow? Which ever, as I (and others) have said you are a great story teller. With less interesting blogs I may have not continued to visit this site, it would have been my loss! Thanks to you I think the Isle of Mull may get a lot more visitors in the near future, it's definately on my visiting list now.