The pair of coots that have a nest next to the bridge are amazing, I checked on them on the 26th of April and their little nest island was so close to being submerged, Thankfully today they were still there, the male was gathering more reed and adding them to the nest, The female was sitting tight with a young popping out to say hello to dad now and then, I hope their house makes it. The High Waters give a totally different perspective and view on bird life, The views of Wheaters on Portland Bill are a great. Keep up the good work everyone, cant wait to have a slice and a coffee whilst watching my coots.
Dont be affraid to trying something new.
The Arc was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.
coots are pretty cool critters. I'm amazed that nest is still there, it seems to float really well so just went skywards with the water.
Nice to hear a happy tale with the rising water, hadn't occurred to me nest would just float up :-)
Ultimate respect for the coot clan - narky blighters. Allan's pics of them give as good they got from a female marsh harrier painted them in a new light for me. Plenty of nests dotted about the place now too.