Blog it happens when it happens


Well getting a bit peed with people mioaning because the guys and gals are not bloogging every day, well i think they all work hard enough with having to worry about blogging every day

i thought the whole idea was it was used when there is news.

So can i suggest maybe stop moaning at them and just wait for the bloogs AND THEN ENJOY THEM WHEN THEY COME.

All best



Best Regards


Flicr site =se4ntanner

  • Well said Sean the guys/girls do a great job and I would rather have them in the field rather than just writing any old nonsense on here.

    all the best


  • How many people take the trouble to post comments,think if more did it would encourage more blogs.

  • Whooa, Sean and Pat, get in there.  Glad you could find the time to comment.  

    Not sure why you should be PEED OFF Sean but I like my blogs a bit more frequent if you don't mind, makes for a more interesting site.  I especially like the photo's element (and glad to say you've done your bit there) and the forum which gives subscribers a chance to air their views.  By the way, it goes without saying that I admire the hard work and effort that our Reserve staff put in, no problem there then.

    Seize the day!