Hoping to go to South Stacks on Thursday 31st, are the puffins back?
Steve Jacques
My pictures of Dalmation Pelicans can be seen on my web site www.troy3pix.co.uk
We were there friday and saturday, saw a pair of chough's, and a jackdaw alas but no puffins. We were told that there were only eight pairs that nested last year by a gentleman from the RSPB.
The new RSPB visitors centre will be open in the old cafe soon (first couple of weeks into april) Ellens Tower has had a refurb too that is due to reopen in the next few days if not already.
Hope you get to see some puffins, we hope to head back in april.
Eddie & Pat
Hi Steve,
Puffins have been spotted at South Stack initially on the 19th of March - they will all soon be attending the breeding sites, (although only approx 8-12 pairs) - today I was at Ellins Tower and many Guillemots and Razorbills were seen and I also spotted a puffin below Ellins Tower on the water - if you are at South Stack on Thursday go to the RSPB visitor centre (being refurbished and opening on the 4th of April for all year round opening) ask for Mark or Kathy or Jon or any RSPB staff member who will help you by pointing you in the right direction, no guarantees - but they (the puffins) are around.
Hope this helps Steve
Look forward to seeing you soon
Regards - Mark RSPB South Stack