Bowers Marsh

I understand there will be a delay in opening due to the bad weather ?? If so when is it likely to be open ?

Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

I spelling's crap !!

  • Hi Robbo, hope the information below helps, we are now aiming for an Autumn opening.

    Extreme weather delays creation of Essex nature reserve.

    The RSPB's newest South Essex nature reserve must delay opening its doors due to adverse weather conditions.

    Extreme weather, including weeks of snow and heavy rain, has meant that work on the RSPB's Bowers Marsh must be postponed until later this year.

    The continuing wet weather has left dangerous and unworkable ground conditions leaving contractors no option but to leave site and return later in the year.

    Dave Hedges, RSPB South Essex Area Manager says: "The wet weather has made the conditions on site very muddy. In some places, it’s two or three feet deep and unfortunately we cannot move machinery around the site.

    The 270 hectare area, which once finished will include a large lagoon and 9km of nature trails, was due to open Spring 2011. However, due to this unforeseen setback, this has been moved back to end of the year.

    Dave Hedges continued: "The best option now is to leave the site to dry out and come back later in the year. When the water level drops and the mud dries out we will hopefully be able to finish the nature reserve in the Autumn.”

  • Excellent, thank you for the info alan.

    I look forward to the big day.

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!