To give the Sand Martins a good quality home we have put a lot of time and effort into refurbishing the Sand Martin Bank over the last two years. This is one of the star attractions for the summer at Saltholme but had not been as successful as we would have liked.
First we removed the reed mace, reeds and sedges from in front of the bank then refilled the holes.
This is Keith and Adam a couple of winters ago.
The work had some effect but last winter we removed the roof and added many barrow loads of new sand and finally put on a new roof.
In early April this year the birds returned from Africa and by the end of May, 50 of the holes were occupied. On 16th June young were visible at 35 of these holes. By the following week 30 had been vacated completely with the young having fledged, and 20 were still in use.
With an average of two young from each clutch of 3 to 5 eggs that means 100 young from the first brood, and another brood to come. At the end of this month some will start the journey back to the Sahel, just south of the Sahara, and all will have left by the end of September.
This is one of the young, taken by John, on the 28th June.
Thanks to Brian who spends hours recording from the Visitor Centre and providing me with the figures.