In his last blog Josh mentioned the work which the Saltholme estate team are doing on the Sand Martin bank.

In the summer we drained the pool and removed the weed to give a clear flight path to the nest wall. Next we removed the roof to gain access to the sand behind the concrete where the Sand Martins nest. We have now topped up the sand replacing that which has leaked out - that is 4 tonnes of sand that has had to be shifted!

Now we are building a new roof to keep out the weather and weasels which would predate the nests.

Ed, the estate worker (at the base of the wall) is helped by volunteers John, Peter, Ian and Brian - I took the photo in a break from shifting sand. All the time being watched by visitors in the cafe and with occasional visits from the fox.

When this has been finished we will re-fill the pool and, with luck, we will have a good year for nesting.
