On Saturday Lockhart took this picture of a fox cub perfectly at home on the reserve by Paddy's Pool Hide.

We provide a home for lots of wildlife, and our foxes are no exception. This shot captures the true nature of a young fox learning life skills. At the same time I was watching a vixen carrying off a moorhen, perhaps to feed the cub?

A healthy natural environment will support a few top predators - fox, kestrel etc - with many more other birds and mammals on which they feed, and with insects and plants providing the foundation, and all in balance. We can all do quite a lot to give nature a home by having gardens which give food for the insects - including the bees - and shelter for the birds and small mammals. So a few bulky shrubs or a hedge, and lots of plants with single flowers which give the most nectar. You can pick up a few tips of the type of plants from our Wildlife Garden.

One insect that is around at present is the Drinker Moth Caterpillar, which is commonly seen on the paths.

Thanks for the photo Lockhart.
