From time to time local and national employers let a group of their staff come and help us at Saltholme for a day. Today we had staff from the BSA office of the NHS in Newcastle - they look after pensions of former NHS staff.

The work party task was clearing brush from the Saltholme clay field. This had been planted before the RSPB took over management of the reserve but is not right for a wetland reserve - waders like open, wet grassland with no perches which predators can use to steal their young so the thorn trees have to be cut and the stumps treated to prevent regrowth. Then over the next few years we can work on improving the condition of the grass itself, which has lots of unwanted creeping thistle and other weeds plants. It will all take time.

The work is not easy but Stephanie and Mark are working hard at getting to the base of a thorn bush before cutting it down.

Thanks to all of them for their cheerful hard work. They made appreciative comments about Anne's chunky chips in the cafe! 
