RM: Visit 1st Aug bird spots.

A lovely sunny, humid day.

A total of 41 birds seen, 6 species of butterfly, a couple of Dragons but not many Damsels.
Bird of the day was undoubtedly the Wood Sandpiper. I saw 8 Green Sandpipers milling around too.....
Great Crested Grebe and Little Grebe, plus one Black-necked Grebe
All the usual fowl, mainly Gadwall and Tufties
A couple of Lapwing, a couple of Green Woodpeckers
Reed and Sedgies still about, as was a Blackcap and Reed Bunting. Not much singing heard though. From the birds, not from me....
Kingfishers seen from 3 Hides, Kingfisher; Tern and Ashby
Blueys, Greats and lots of Finches

Plus at least 4 Water Voles swimming around and about. A Stoat family had been reported on the trails but I saw nothing.

The full list:
Great Crested Grebe; Little Grebe; Black-necked Grebe; Cormorant; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Black Swan; Canada Goose; Mallard; Gadwall; Tufted Duck; Pochard; Kestrel; Moorhen; Coot; Lapwing; Green Sandpiper; Wood Sandpiper; Black-headed Gull; Lesser-black Backed Gull; Common Tern; Woodpigeon; Feral Pigeon; Collared Dove;  Kingfisher; Great Spotted Woodpecker (H); Green Woodpecker; Wren; Robin; Blackbird; Reed Warbler; Sedge Warbler; Blackcap (H); Blue Tit; Great Tit; Magpie; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Goldfinch; Greenfinch; Reed Bunting.

Lots of people visiting, mainly Grandparents with Grandchildren, all eager and happy to be visiting in the sunshine.

Lunchbreak: Juice, crisps and, thanks to an Ocado delivery the previous day, a slice of carrot cake!

Although the bird of the day was the Wood Sandpiper, the Kingfishers put on a wonderful display, especially from the KF Hide. I witnessed a fish-pass which suggests we may get another brood before the end of the Summer.

Both train journeys had big delays but couldn't distract me from a great day's birding!


  • Hi Graham

    That's great news about the Kingfishers, as well as all of the other birds that you saw. We almost went to RM on Saturday or Sunday but as we had been to Wales during the week we were both a bit too tried at the thought of another long journey. Maybe next weekend

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Graham, sounds like you had a nice sightings day!

    I do have a mental image of your going round the reserve singing now... If we get any reports of strange bird calls I'll know it's you!

    Glad you got to see the wood sandpiper - fabulous bird! The greens are still about.

    The kingfishers are doing their thing again which is nice! We think they are on eggs at the Kingfisher Hide!