New kingfisher Nest Bank/Hide

Hi Vicky Thank you for updating me on the blog as to the new kingfisher bank and the new hide that will be going in nearby. I understand that due to the interest by a kingfisher that the new hide is unlikely to be put in until the end of the kingfisher nesting season. I also believe that the new hide is going to be placed nearer the nesting bank than the current kingfisher bank and hide, which is great news. I know that a great deal of consideration has to go into the sighting of the new hide and its prospective users. I wish to make a plea on behalf of photographers, have you heard their view in positioning the new hide in relation to the light and perches that look like natural perches rather than a post that would be found in a field? I am a regular visitor to Rye Meads and look forward to hearing the latest thoughts on the new hide Regards Leslie
  • Hi Leslie

    I agree with you about making use of the lower area of the hide. An extension to the existing hide would be a great idea owing to the fact my wife is registered disable and every time we have tried to use the disabled part of the hide there seemed to be a photographer in situ. If a new hide is created it must allow for disabled access as well as being designed with photography in mind.

    We love Rye Meads and the work they put in to encourage the kingfishers to breed on the reserve and long may it continue


  • Hi Bob,

    Just out of interest. When you find a photographer in the Disabled part of the Hide, do you ask them to make way for your wife? If so, has the photographer refused? If so, it may be worth raising the issue with the guys in the visitor centre. If, and it's a big if, the existing Kingfisher hide gets extended, I hope the guys at Rye Meads make the disabled access to the Kingfisher Hide a key access only. I don't know how people would feel if I said they should make it key access only as of now. I can see that it could be a logistical issue, but at least it can restrict access to the disabled part of the hide to those who need to access it. (Small returnable deposit....maybe?)

  • I use the disabled part of the hide, in fact I was first in there this morning. But should it be required by anyone else I would be out of there as fast a possible. I was in there a couple of weeks ago when a guy in a wheelchair came in, he actually enjoyed the company and discussed each of our 'kit'! It is worth noting that it is for 'joint' use, not exclusively for disabled people, but any non-disabled person would gladly give up the spot if required.

  • I feel very strongly as an RSPB member that the RSPB should'nt be going down this route and charging an extortunate ammount of money for some privilidged few and i do agree with someone earlier in this thread that the RSPB are giving photographers exclusivity to certain hides for quite a large fee. What i must ask, are these premium hides like at Old Moor giving a closer view of the birds and other wildlife for these privilidged few at an extortunate price and gaining advantage over members of the RSPB who have fully paid up membership subscriptions and now they find they can't gain admittance to these hides unless they pay an extra extortunate amount of money to gain access to these premium hides and also to the non member of the RSPB as well who have paid an admission charge to a reserve and finds that he or she cannot gain admission to these additional hides unless they pay a huge extra ammount of money I just noticed this thread and i've also posted something similar in the Blog from Old Moor that talks about the premium hides. I'm not very happy at all.



  • Hi Matt.

    Thanks for clarifying the point about the access. However, I do wonder how many non-disabled people would actually give up their spot for people who require access? I haven't seen anyone refuse, but there again I always go upstairs.

    (Sorry, not trying to make an argument for the sake of it, but am genuinely interested in a fair and balanced discussion).

  • Read this thread with interest,,  I'm a keen photographer myself and currently having the use of three different cameras,, all of which can be set so that when locking on to focus and firing the shutter make no noise what so ever,, I'm surprised that any one taking bird photos would not at least try to set their camera for zero noise.

  • Hi Rolandb,

    whilst I admire your sentiments' re silent shutters, the majority of SLR`s do not have them, further to that, Pro bodies, (I use one) don't has this, if it was so important for Pro`s would it not be a standard feature?

    I have been at the Kingfisher hide, seen birds on the nearest posts to the hide, camera shooting at 10fps, the Kingfisher was not worried at all.

    I have photographed birds of prey up close in the wild, they were not bothered, so as I say I admire your thoughts, but my own experience and that of other Pro`s I know, shutter noise is not an issue.

  • Roland, I wonder what camera you have. I am sure Canon and Nikon would be interested in adapting the silent shutter module in their kit. I know on the Canon 5D Mark 3 and the 7D Mark 2, on the silent shutter mode it does make some noise.

    As Ray has already said, the birds are used to the noise of the cameras by now. If it ever becomes a problem whereby the photographers (rather the chatters in the hide) cause the birds to abandon their nest, I am sure the RSPB will introduce a ban on any cameras with noisy shutters.

  • Haven't been on this site for ages, reading some of the above I see why!  Someone mentioned paying £150 to go in a private Kingfisher Hide.  Wonderful, if you like that kind of thing, not only set up shots on perfect mossy branches, buckets of fish in the water and lining someone elses pockets.  However, horses for courses, just not my scene, with Kingfishers or any other set up shots, far too many around nowadays.  As for a new hide at Rye, I guess it's still watch this space.  Happy snapping!

  • As someone who has visited the Kingfisher hide quite a few times over the last 5 years I would make the following observations.

    1. I have generally found everyone polite, interested and accommodating of others needs, as it should be.

    2. The welfare of the birds has to come first because they are a schedule 1 bird and it is illegal to disturb them at their nest site whether it is an RSPB site or not.

    3. Having said that I have never seen any photography activities  disturb the birds although I personally find they react more to movement than sound and people suddenly pointing out of the window (or suddenly moving their camera lens up) seems to cause the most reaction from the birds.

    4. It is understandable that people getting their first sighting of this beautiful bird get excited!

    5. I sympathise with the videographer but it is rarely going to be quiet enough in that hide to record the calls properly for whatever reason. Best turn the sound off and then dub the calls on after.

    6. I don't agree with the person that wants to separate those with scopes from those with cameras - for a start I use both! In any case it would make more sense for those with scopes to be in the furthest view hide as with a scope you get an excellent view anyway but the current set up is too far except for those with the best (most expensive) equipment to get a high quality photograph.

    7.I don't favour paying for the access to the other hide. At least not during normal opening hours. Our natural world should be free for all to enjoy. (I already pay above the minimum subscription to be a member of the RSPB and if I had to pay I would reduce that!)

    8. I agree with the comments about over set up locations charging a fortune and artificially baiting with fish. It becomes like a zoo and I am sure there are Kingfishers at London Zoo - go there! I believe in encouraging wildlife and increasing its breeding opportunities so that we get more chance of seeing them in the wild.

    Finally, it is good to see a debate about this but please be nice to each other and understand each others needs.
